Scholastic Review

It seems I’ve had a relationship with Scholastic Books my whole life! As a young girl, the highlight of my year was when the Scholastic Book Fair came to school, I loved books then and love them still! I fondly remember buying books, bookmarks and posters with the money I had saved up or Mom had sent to school with me.
In College and the years that followed I was an Early Childhood Educator. You could not beat Scholastic prices and I frequently bought books from their Book Clubs. For one job I was even responsible for running the program.
When Big Brother was a year old I went back to work part time and he went to daycare. Scholastic and I were reunited again! The flyers came home each month and I made sure to pick a book or two out for every holiday season. Big Brother loves reading and I’ll encourage that his whole life.
So Scholastic and our family make a great pair and I was thrilled for my boys and I to be able to review a selection of books for you.

I’ve listed them in order of age range, for the youngest readers to the oldest.

ZOO from Little Scholastic
Ages 1-3 years
This is a super cute little board book that gives your little one multiple options while learning. For really young ones, the pictures are eye catching and parts are soft and fuzzy for touching. For older ones, cards come out of the book to create flashcards and if you flip them over they are pieces to a puzzle to solve. Great for learning animals and colours.


You’re My Little Bunny
Claire Freedman/Gavin Scott
Board Book
This is a story of a day of Little Bunny’s life from waking in the morning to going to bed at night. The pictures are really great and I love the soft cover. The whole family loves the way this story rhymes and it’s just a really sweet story. Great for bed time.
” I snuggle close to Mommy’s side.
She whispers, ‘Nighty-night.
You are my little bunny-kins,
I love you so – sleep tight”

Mark Teague
Edward the dog wants to be a firefighter so he spends a day at the firehouse learning all the things firefighters do. The boys liked the story and the pictures, especially the little mice firefighters scattered throughout the book. It annoys me a little at how many children’s stories depict firefighters as cat rescuers, but hey, you can’t have it all.

Hot Rod Hamster
Cynthia Lord/Derek Anderson
Oh my goodness! This is a winner for sure and by far our new favourite in the house!!! I can’t believe the book is still intact with how much use it gets! It’s fun for me to read and the boys just LOVE it! It’s interactive as well, the story asks you to choose items you would like to have for a hot rod. Big Brother and Middle Man both like to choose something on the page each time it asks.
“Old car, new car, shiny painted blue car,
Rust car, clean car, itty bitty green car.
Which would you choose?”


Can You See What I See? – Treasure Ship
Walter Wick
This book was more advanced and required concentration. Big Brother is on a bit of a pirate kick right now anyway, so he really liked that this one had a pirate feel to it, with treasure chests, ships and maps. Basically, each page has a full picture seen and asks you to find individual items on the page, some of which can be quite small. I was impressed by Big Brother’s effort and determination in searching for each item. Once he can read, it will be a great quite time book or car ride activity for him.

And there you have it! 6 GREAT books! I didn’t chose any of these, we were simply sent a selection of Scholastic books to check out, but I couldn’t have picked better myself! My boys adored all of these good reads!

Buy these great titles at bookstores everywhere or check your local library!

Check out the Scholastic Website or if you are in the USA buy from the Scholastic Store.


  1. Miz Dinah says
  2. The Empress says
  3. Life with the Lebedas says
  4. A Mom's Take says
  5. Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie says
  6. NutHouse Reviews (Shannon) says
  7. Sharlene Weingart says

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