We bought our oldest son a ‘big boy’ bike for his fourth birthday, mainly because his little brother was taking over his tricycle, but he was interested in the bigger bikes too. He’s small for his age though and it didn’t take long for him to have his first fall on the big bike with training wheels. The training wheels that were there to help him actually just allowed him to tip from side to side and on an uneven surface created a fall. He eventually gave up on his new bike and the two boys began to fight over the trike once again. We felt really bad for our big guy and started to look at other options. Finding the Strider bike was eye opening! We just couldn’t believe these little guys were zooming along on two wheel bikes! Watching them though, made me realize that it’s exactly the same as our middle guy who was not attempting at all to use the pedals on his trike, he was walking the trike with his feet. If he could do that, he could do a Strider!
So we had our brand new racing green Strider and took it out to the street with the kids for a try. It took a bit of getting used to for my boys. It’s a new concept for sure! But by the third or fourth time taking them out, they started to get the hang of it! Especially our big guy! I have seen the fear of the two wheeler erase from his mind and now that he has
his confidence back and has learned to balance himself on the Strider, he started to ask for his birthday bike back. Now he rides easily and is even gaining quite a bit of speed! He still rides the Strider, and our middle boy is back and forth from his trike to the Strider as well. It provides an extra bike, a learning tool and is still lots of fun! With our youngest boy now around 15 months, we know he’ll be out with the Strider in no time! You can’t go wrong with the Strider when you have 3 boys in the house! The only problem is that the seat needs to be adjusted for each child.
Check out this great video from the creator of Strider-Ryan McFarland
There’s lots of fun footage of little ones using the Strider!
My Canadian friends can check out the Strider Bikes at http://www.stridersports.ca/. You can purchase right from the website for $129.00CDN or check for a dealer near you.
Use discount code ‘momvstheboys’ at the checkout and receive 10% off your order!!
(If you live in the USA you can buy your own Strider from this website- http://www.stridersports.com/ or check for a dealer near you.)