Wisey Long Sleeve Bib Review

Ready to hear about one of my all-time favourite baby items???
It’s the Long Sleeve Bib from Wisey and in my opinion it’s a Must-Have for young kids!
I have a one year old and a two year old, so we’ve seen our share of messes! Sometimes even the biggest bibs just can’t save an outfit, but the Wisey Long Sleeve bib can! It’s saved countless shirts at our house!
Check out this beauty at work:

The Wisey Long Sleeve bib comes in both Pink and Blue. The fabric is soft to touch, not all plasticy like some bibs and it even has a perfect pocket to catch falling debris! The dirty bib just gets popped right into the wash for easy clean up and really washes up well! You can see I’ve used this bib a million times over and it looks as good as new! No staining, tearing or wrinkling at all.
Worried about your kiddo getting overheated trying to eat an icecream cone on a hot summer day? No worries needed, the arms can actually detach from the bib for hot weather and short sleeve days! Yes, Wisey thinks of Everything!!!
Wisey has all stages of eating covered, from the smallest drool mopper to the longest nibble mopper Wisey makes eating time more enjoyable with less stress about the mess!
You can buy items right from the Wisey website. Bibs range from $5.50-$19.00US. The Long Sleeve Bib featured here is $19.00 and worth every penny, since it’s saved buying new shirt after new shirt!
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