Big Brother is four and I mentioned before that as a total surprise to us, the doctor told us he needed glasses! We were shocked, neither my husband or I have ever had eye problems and certainly do not wear anything other than sunglasses. With mixed feelings about it all, we began the daunting task of finding Big Brother the right pair of glasses! It was a journey for sure and we went to sooo many places to look! Boy are they expensive! The thought of trusting my four year old with a couple hundred dollars worth of glasses out in world is overwhelming! How can he be responsible enough for this!
Well we saw lots of glasses and I mean lots! most did not fit his small face but some did. Some were cool superhero inspired ones, some were super trendy, some places only gave you one, some gave you two….decisions, decisions, decisions…..
In the end this is what we came up with. We didn’t want to spend too much until we knew how well he would look after them and we liked the idea of two pair in case he does loose or break a pair.
Here’s my baby with his new glasses