New Year & Resolutions


Home Sweet Home

The Mom vs. the Boys family is home from a few days of being out of town to visit family for the holidays and ring in the new year. The boys all got chest colds on Christmas day but recovered quickly, unfortunatly mommy picked up that chest cold right as we left and let me tell you, a chest cold, just 2 weeks after a chest surgery is not fun. So I didn’t ring in the new year as much as I snored in the new year! I headed to bed around 11pm. Oh well, I’m getting too old for New Years Eve anyway! lol
The kids had an awesome time away, they adore their grandparents and just love being away from home. Big Brother didn’t want to leave and thought his school bus could just pick him up there. yeah, 3 hours away! lol Cute kid!
So today is mostly a jammy day, it feels like boxing day. We brought all our prezzies home and they are all over the place. We are tired but trying to get some control over the madness. I can’t wait to dismantle Christmas but hubster isn’t ready to take it down quite yet. sigh.

Onto Resolutions

That’s what everyone is talking about right??  Have you made yours??
Last year I made a resolution to get the house more organized. Did it happen?? nope. But in my defense that really wasn’t a fair resolution because it heavily (like 99% heavily) relies on the Hubster to get us started. I was looking for Garage storage shelves built and installed and cabinets and toy shelves for the kids playroom in the basement built and installed and well, I guess that wasn’t my husbands resolution after all. sigh.
So this year on top of wanting both of those things done too, I think I will resolve to get caught up on the boys baby books. I just had to have the most detailed books around for the boys, they are time consuming and take a lot of work to complete. sizing pictures, getting them printed, making notes about every Halloween, Christmas, Birthday, not to mention the date of the first time they did anything and everything! first pee in the potty, first drink from a sippy cup, first word, first wave, first time they ate peas….
so yup, lots of catching up to do so and I’d like to get at it so 5 years from now I’m not trying to remember the date they started eating at the kitchen table in a booster chair.
That’s it! I never really make good resolutions, I never need to quit anything, don’t care about losing weight, so it’s hard to think of something. What resolutions do you make??

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