But What Will the Neighbours Think??

Fellow review bloggers, do you get funny looks from your neighbours every time the delivery truck pulls up in front of your house? Do they wonder what you are up to? Do they wonder how you can afford it??

I get deliveries to my house sometimes a couple times a week (or day!) . As it happens my side neighbour also get deliveries for his business so our quiet street sees a few big trucks come and stop in front of my house on a fairy regular basis.

It’s safe to assume I don’t work an outside job. My van rarely leaves the driveway. It’s also a pretty good bet that I don’t work from home because honestly who in their right mind would employ me to do that with 3 kiddos under 5 in the house with me!  Plus we are always out walking and playing in the yard.

So why all the deliveries???

I never really gave it a thought before, but the other day I was just getting home from an outing with the boys and one of my neighbours was out front working on his car. A couple of packages were already on my porch and as I was unloading the van another delivery man drove up to drop a package off – the really cute one, but that’s not important 😉

My neighbour called over and said something like ” Ooohh, more goodies for you today, eh?”  and well, not in a super friendly kind of way. More of a condescending kind of way.

From an outside perspective it may appear as though my Husband goes to work all day and I sit on my butt and online shop! lol I’m pretty sure he thinks all the packages are just clothes and shoes for me! lol It’s really not worth explaining, plus, I think it is kind of amusing. From the tone he took, I’m sure he is always thinking “wonder what she bought today” lol

Any of you have a similar experience?


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