Take the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Challenge #ColgateSensitive

I started to experience sensitive teeth around the time that I was nursing my second and pregant with my third, I guess those little growing babies truly sucked all I had out of me! My body changed a lot during that time, in obvious ways and not so obvious ways, such as a definite change in the texture of my hair from shiny and silky to dry and damaged and my teeth suffered too becoming sensitive to the cold. While the rest of my body bounced back with time as the boys got older, my hair and teeth remained in their new state and I had to learn how to manage both.

I was a little skeptical of sensitive toothpastes at first, but when my dentist recommended it, I gave it a try. I really did notice a change in my tolerance to cold drinks, ice cream and popsicles, but after time I grew a little too comfortable. At some point I decided that I didn’t need sensitive toothpaste anymore and I went back to using my husbands regular paste. Slowly the pain returned and I was headed right back to the store to pick up a new tube of sensitive toothpaste to get myself back on track. 


Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste is formulated to shield and repair sensitive teeth for long-lasting protection, with regular use, don’t quit using it like I did after you start feeling better. Most other sensitivity toothpastes contain potassium nitrate, which primarily numbs the tooth nerve, masking the pain of tooth sensitivity, and will take 2 weeks of use before relief is delivered. Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste works by plugging the channels that lead to the sensitive tooth nerves, to block the pain. For instant relief, apply directly to the sensitive tooth with your fingertip and gently massage for one minute, this is a little tip dentist gave me as well! 

colgate challenge

Simply visit http://www.colgatesensitiveprorelief.ca/EN/challenge and sign up for the challenge to receive a free trial-sized tube of Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste and a coupon for $1 off your next purchase. Swap Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief in for your regular toothpaste and see how you like it. Then review the toothpaste online for a chance to win a NESPRESSO U Pure Orange coffee machine and a one-year supply of Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief products!

Disclosure: I am part of the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. Jennifer I have always had issues with my teeth and finding the right toothpaste is just plain hard! I am gonna have to give Colgate Sensitive a try and see how it measures up!


  2. My teeth are making me crazy! So sensitive!

  3. I am way overdue for a dentist appointment, and I have been having some to pain every once and a while. I will be sure to ask the dentist about this when I go!

  4. I had the exact same issues! Thanks to pregnancy my teeth weakened and became sensitive! I was so upset to have my first cavity after 29 year! lol

  5. I have super sensitive teeth as does my teen. With 4 kids, mine got worse and worse with each. This is much needed in my home, thanks

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