There’s nothing like rain to ruin a summer day, but it doesn’t have to end all of the fun. Rainy days and nights are just times when you have to get a little more creative with your fun strategy and one of our favourites is a good old fashion game night! If you have a covered porch area, it’s really fun to stay outdoors and set up a game night in the great outdoors. It feels just like camping, as long as it’s not a full on storm out there of course! Get in your jammies, bring out some snacks and drinks and wrap yourself up in a big blanket to start the fun!
Here are some other ideas to ensure your family game nights are a hit!
Prepare Your Space – Transform your everyday living room into the ultimate game room! This can be as easy as ensuring there are enough cozy seats for everyone who is playing, turning on background music that is upbeat but not distracting and setting up a variety of delicious snacks. These small changes will show your little ones that you’re taking the game night, and family time, seriously.
Play a variety of games – While some people have a preference for particular games, others may want to change it up. Designate a set amount of time that you will play each game to ensure you’re keeping everyone entertained and allowing people to try their hand at something new.
Disconnect to Connect – While it may be difficult, make a rule that no one is allowed to have any technology during the few hours you have together. This includes no television or cell phones as they may take away from the moments you’re sharing with your loved ones. By disconnecting from technology, you will be able to better connect with your family members.

My favorite board game is Monopoly
That would have to be Monopoly, it’s a family favourite!!
Settlers of Catan
Trivial Pursuit!
Monopoly is my favourite board game. 🙂
My favourite is Monopoly
My favorite board game is The Game of Life!
My best board game is monopoly and I have been playing it with my grandchildren all week! Thank you!
We love Monopoly 🙂
Right now we are playing a lot of junior monopoly and candyland
My favourite board game is Monopoly. When I was a kid my favourite was The Game of Life.
My favorite board game is Mancala,my daughter plays it a lot and got me hooked on it.
My kids love monopoly
I love Monopoly
My favourite board game is Clue.
my favourite is Stock Ticker
I like Trivial Pursuit.
Doodle Quest
I grew up playing board games, so I passed on this tradition and my daughter loves board games too. Uno is a fave of ours!
I don’t think I can narrow it down to just one! I really love Uno, Sorry, Life and Payday.
My favourite board game is The Game of Life.
My favorite board game is Monopoly.
My favourite board game is Monopoly followed closely by Scrabble.
I enjoy Apples to Apples
I love playing Battleshiop
My favorite board game is Monopoly
I LOVE Monopoly!
My favourite board game is The Game of Life
My favourite is UNO.
We always loved to play Sorry!
Pay Day and Monopoly were my faves.
It varies but at the moment it’s Sequence 🙂
I love Monopoly
Monopoly is my favourite board game of all time.
Clue is my favorite.
My all time fav is scrabble,but I love introducing new games to my grand children
I like Settlers of Catan.
My favourite is Monopoly.
My favorite is Trivial Pursuit!
we love Monopoly , we have game night one a week with the kids and my grandson ! so much fun and great quality time 🙂
My favourite board game to play is Clue.
I like farkle dice game
Cards would be Apples to Apples it is lots of fun, now for a boardgame is Sequence. Also love Taboo, love playing games with the family.
My favourite board game is Monoply! It never gets old!!
Trivial Pursuit.
I love Scrabble.
I love the GAme of Life
My favourite board game is monopoly.
I like to play scrabble.
Scrabble I adore……battleship with my boy is a close second.
Love to play Monopoly!
Ever heard if Balderdash? Freakin hilarious!
Monopoly is the game to play right now in our house.
Mine is/was Battle Ship or Backgammon. I have not played either one in years, but I remember I loved playing them as a kid. Especially Battle Ship. My brother and I played that game for days. I have fond memories of it.
My favourite board game is called Dixit.
I really like to play Madgab, it is so fun to try and sound out the parts of the saying. We always end up laughing?
A good ol game of Monopoloy always puts us in a good mood!
Mine is Trivial Pursuit
I love scattergories!
I’m a geek – I love scrabble
I like The Game Of Life
I enjoy monopoly the most.
Sorry is our favourite board game.
My favorite board game is Monopoly!
We love to play monopoly!!
i like scrabble
favorite board game is Monopoly
My favourite board game is Monopoly! My strategy never loses!
My fav game is Boggle
Game of Life
I’ve always enjoyed Monopoly
I liked Clue quite a bit, and also the Game of Life and Monopoly.
Monoply has always been a favourite
The original Trivia Pursuit is my favorite board game.
I have always loved board games; all kinds of board games… My favourites have always been Monopoly, Risk, Pictionary, Clue, Trivial Pursuit, Ticket to Ride, etc. etc. We always have a game night with family and friends once a month. Its a great way to connect and just spend time laughing.
I liked playing boggle.
I really enjoy playing Monopoly
My favorite game is Scrabble.
I enjoy scrabble
We love Monopoly.
I like Monopoly!
I really like PayDay! 😀
Monopoly is my fav
As a child I loved Frustration and Monopoly!
Apples to Apples!
monopoly is my favorite board game
Does Dutch Blitz count? 🙂
I love RISK 🙂
my favourite is monopoly.
I have some great memories playing Apples to Apples
I love Quelf! great fun for family OR a laugh riot adult BBQ or girls night 😉
My all time favorite board game is Uno . Thanks for sponsoring this fun giveaway and for the opportunity to participate.
My familys favourite it monopoly.
Anyone remember Poleconomy? I can’t remember how to play it anymore but remember loving it when I was a teen/young adult.
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
I love playing the old school game of TROUBLE!
I love scrabble & trival pursuit
I’m a Monopoly fan. We even have the kids version so my son can play, and love, it too.
Scrabble is my all-time favourite board game.
I am in love with Settlers of Catan!
I love playing Clue.
Monopoly is my favourite board game
I love Clue.
My favourite game is pituitary.
Sorry pictionary.
Trivial Pursuit but my hubby hates it bc I always beat him 😛
I always loved CandyLand !
Risk is a favorite!
We like Monopoluy
My favorite game is Pictionary.It’s so fun!
Apples to apples!
My favourite board game is Sorry 🙂
My favorite board game of all time is Scrabble. It’s a lot of fun.
My favorite is Scrabble!
I love the Game of Life and Risk
Apples to Apples – a game my kids and their friends have played to the point the cards are warn out!
We enjoy Uno and Rummy
We love Pandemic because it’s easy to understand and it’s cooperative 🙂
My favorite board game is Sorry.
My favourite board game is Cranium or Trivial Pursuit.
Monopoly is my fave.
In our house we love Uno! The whole family can play and it can get pretty crazy!
I love a word game called Rummicube.
I like playing backgammon.
I loved playing Monopoly when I was growing up. Right now my 2 girls love Mancala.
i LOVE Yatzzee
I love monopoly!
Monopoly, it’s our favourite!
I love Boggle!
That’s a hard one…I love board games, all of them! But scrabble might just be my absolute favourite!
I would have to choose Monopoly as my favorite game!
Monopoly is my favourite game!
Fav game is monopoly deal
Monopoly is my favourite board game.
I love the game of Life
We love to play Monopoly.
my favorite game is sequence. my whole family loves that game
We love playing UNO. It is a great family game!
Scrabble is my favorite!
I absolutely love SCRABBLE….UNO is a close second! 😀
My favorite is Monopoly.
Scrabble. Definitely Scrabble
we love to play monopoly
We love to play Clue 🙂
I am a big Scrabble fan.
Scrabble addict here, We have the original old game love,it
The game of LIfe.
Monopoly for sure