For the next 7 generations @SeventhGen

For 25 years, Seventh Generation has been strongly rooted in its mission to inspire a revolution that nurtures the health of the next seven generations. The brand’s roster spans kitchen, bathroom, laundry, baby and personal care products designed with the environment and your family’s health in mind. I've tried out a number of 'green' cleaning products in my day, but what I was really interested to find was that Seventh Generation carried a line of 'green' diapers! Oh, us Mom's know that diapers … [Read more...]

Monsters University Inspired Craft with a @KinderCanada treat! #KinderMom

What came first, the chicken or the egg? or in this case it goes more like this - What inspired my kids more? Monsters University movie or the Monsters U themed Kinder egg? It's hard to say really, but we took that inspiration and turned one of our recent adventures into a Monster of a Mission! Monster Rocks A twist on the classic pet rock, we Monster-ized the idea into Pet Monster Rocks! Stopping in to our favourite little watering hole with some frozen lemonade and a mission to … [Read more...]

My Favourite Beauty take-alongs for Travel!

While prepping and packing for our two week road trip to Florida this Spring, it inspired me to share with you all some of my favourite beauty products for taking along with me when I travel. No matter where I am headed, these are the items you'll find in my bag! Spill it Ladies!  … [Read more...]

Fire Roasted Tomato Orzo Salad

A couple of years ago the hubs spotted orzo at the grocery store and bought it on a whim to try out, he's crazy like that. Neither one of knew what to do with it so I made him come up with a recipe himself. He played around with one, that I posted here and we loved it! Orzo was definitely finding it's way back on our grocery list again! Orzo is perfect for summer salads and this season I was on the hunt for a new and different recipe, when I stumbled across the Fire Roasted Tomato Orzo Salad … [Read more...]

Nuts for Summer Round Up!

  Go NUTS this summer!!   Most schools have a nut-free policy, meaning we can send our kiddos off to school with even the slightest trace of a nut in their lunch pail. So during Summer vacation I like to indulge the kids in their favourite nutty recipes that include peanut butter, pecans, walnuts and almonds! A couple of our favourites are these Double-Nut Cookies and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Pancakes! It's always fun to try new recipes though, so I enlisted the help of … [Read more...]

Museums in Massachusetts #XploreMass

  Someone recently told me that they liked visiting the art galleries and museums in the area I live, ummm....yeah...well, I wouldn't know much about them really. Even living in an area that is rich in art, history and music, I have to admit that those things never really interested me much. In fact, I tend to yawn just at the word museum! lol But when we are off traveling we like to take in what the destination holds, it's always fun to explore new cities and their treasures! In … [Read more...]

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