{Beauty Bash} Cover Your Hair Review

Cover Your Hair offers one stop shopping for all your hair accessories! Being a mom of 3, I run around with a good case of bed head on most days, Sad but true! I was really interested to see what Cover Your Hair had to help me tame my wild mess! I was surprised by all the choices! They carry a wide variety of Headbands, Bandanas, Israeli Tichels, Hats, Bows, Clips.....and the list goes on.... I decided to stick with the headbands and choose two different styles. The first was a … [Read more...]

{Beauty Bash} Monkey Brains Review

Kids these days want to be cool, they are growing up fast and are creating their own style early on. Monkey Brains is here to help! This is an all new collection of hair products designed with kids in mind. They know the value of letting kids be kids and one way our little ones like to shine is with some funky do's! Raise your hand if you have a Justin Beiber fan in your house! Now that's a kid who knows how to create a signature hair look! Check out what Monkey Brains has to offer to … [Read more...]

{Beauty Bash} Flat Iron Experts Review

Sadly, I was not one of those people who were blessed with perfect hair. My hair is neither straight nor curly, it hangs somewhere in between- basically a wavy, fuzzy mess. So my hair is never quite ready to go with just a quicky blow dry and skipping the blow dry is unquestionable. (who are these girls on survivor who walk around with cute sun dried hair? honestly!)For me a Flat Iron is the fastest and best option. I have tried a couple of drug store flat irons in the past, but despite all the … [Read more...]

{Beauty Bash} The Body Shop Review

I've had a love affair with The Body Shop since I was a young teenager. Some of my first babysitting pay cheques were spent on bath beads, lip balm and oversized 'against animal testing' tees! Oh the days of having a disposable income! So trust me when I say I was overwhelmed when The Body Shop agreed to partner with my blog to bring you a review and giveaway, a star struck happy dance, may or may not have occurred! The Body Shop has changed it's look and evolved over the years. They have … [Read more...]

{Beauty Bash} Vasanti Review

Vasanti was a company that was new to me, so I was really excited to see what they had to offer and how they set themselves apart from the rest. Well, I was impressed! I got my first look at Vasanti with the packaging. Tiny Hot Pink boxes, now this is what I'm talking about! Girly and Fun!   Keep going! Inside got even better! Shiny Silver cases - Ohhh la la! This is not your plastic teenage makeup , this is pure sophistication in a bottle. This is 'look at me, I'm all grown up!' … [Read more...]

{Beauty Bash} Beecology Review

It's not everyday you find a company like Beecology. A company with a social conscience, one who gives back through charity and cares for the earth by making natural products. It was exciting to find a natural company providing beauty products and I could not wait to see how a Honey based product would compare. I tested out these products in 1oz samples- Moisturizing Peppermint and Honey Bodywash Honey and Sulfate-Free Shampoo All Natural Conditioner Original Honey Hand & Body … [Read more...]

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