Whoooo are you??? who who? who who?

Soooo…WHO watched the Superbowl???? I am in no way, shape or form a football fan, but hey it’s the Superbowl right? It was on the whole time and between playing with the kids and walking the dog I kept an eye on it a little bit. The Who????? Seriously?? it was like watching my grandpa rock out on stage, a little weird. But I loved the lights on the stage, very cool for a couple of old dudes. And for a second there I got excited that maybe CSI was on! lol
My Saturday was lovely, Big Brother had a dentist (or tooth doctor as he likes to call it) appointment in the morning and normally I take him to this kind of thing because it also gets me out of the house, but Hubby wanted to do a couple other things in town (eh hem…somebody does have a birthday this week, wink wink) so I stayed home with the babies and it was actually really nice. Little Brother had a nap for most of the time and Middle Man was a delight to have on his own. It was sooo peaceful. Very little whining, no fighting over toys, no rowdy play, just a lovely little boy all to myself. I almost forgot what it was like to have one child….PERFECT!
Saturday night I think I lost a few brain cells when we watched ‘House Bunny’ lol it was something that got PVR’d a while back and we were looking for something light and easy to watch because we were both pretty tired. We had a few laughs, but yup, might not be as bright today because of it!
Hope you guys all had a great weekend too!!!! 🙂


  1. www.thehusaileybunch.com says
  2. Natasha and Lee says
  3. MisAdventuresofMomof3 says

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