WeeRide Kangaroo Child Seat Carrier

This is one those items you are going to want to add to the top of your own wish list for the holidays. The WeeRide Kangaroo Carrier is a must-have for active moms and dads on the go!
The Kangaroo Carrier is a different type of child seat than most, and like it’s name suggests, it creates a seat for your little one in the front of your bike instead of behind you where you can’t see them! GENIUS!

I’ve always been a bit obsessed about keeping my eyes on my babies and I love that they can now ride right up front with me. I can see them at all times, I can talk to them – they can actually hear me and I can point things out to them as we travel along.
All 3 of my boys (aged 4, 2 and 17 mo) can fit into the WeeRide seat safely and comfortably. And all 3 boys LOVE to ride with Mommy!

At first glance, I thought it might be difficult to ride with the seat between my legs, but it really isn’t. It’s still very comfortable. My bike has a style that was designed for comfort, so the seat is a tad lower and the handlebars higher. For this reason, the front rest for the child sits right between the handles of my bike and I have to watch for little fingers when my handlebars are turning so they don’t get pinched.  But most bikes are not set up this way and you will see from the website photos below that the child rest normally sits much higher.


 I received a WeeRide Kangaroo Carrier for the purpose of this review, no other compensation was given and all opinions expressed are my own.

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