My boys are attracted to anything that glows in the dark, seriously, anything. Toys, shoes, clothes, stickers…it’s just fascinating to see the world light up around you in complete darkness! A couple years ago the boys received a Glow Crazy Distance Doodler and they were instantly hooked! They still have a lot of fun in the basement “drawing” on the walls and using the included stencils to map out a solar system. The only downside is that the room isn’t always dark enough to see the glowing really well and when you want to glow, you want to glow right?
Glow Crazy Doodle Dome
This pop up tent is the perfect solution to the problem! The boys are good to glow, day or night! Plus, it’s just really fun to crawl inside a special little hut!
With Doodle Dome your kids can pretend to be anything they want! They can be a captain of a rocket ship or a farmer in a glow barn. The light wand will make all the drawings glow like crazy on the special glow liner. Their creations will fade after a few moments so the adventure can go on and on! With a handy carrying case, the Doodle Dome becomes a portable dark room for your GLOW imagination.
The light wand is really fun to use and I can appreciate owning two sets now because two boys can draw at once. Each set only comes with one glow wand. The Doodle Dome is a perfect size for one child, but two can squeeze in there alright. The boys love to play together and nothing is more fun than giggling in the dark right with your brother right?
I loved that the dome can be folded up and put back into it’s small case, I was not expecting this at all! It took a few tries to twist it right to complete the fold, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a piece of cake. I wouldn’t expect the kiddos to be able to do it on their own though.
GLOW CRAZY Doodle Dome™ is great for kids ages 5+ and retails for CAD $30-$35. Glow Crazy Doodle Dome can be found at London Drugs, Canadian Tire and Sears.
Thinking this would make a perfect holiday gift for your kids? You are probably right!
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While my kids still like a night light in their rooms at night, they would both love this and would get a lot of use out of it between them and the dayhome kids.
OMG!!!! My granddaughter would absolutely love this!
no one is afraid of the dark in this house! Looks like so much fun, my little one would love it!
All of us!
My 3 year old loves the dark, he has glow in the dark stick ons all over his room and loves to lay there looking at them
my nieces would be all over this and they have no fear
daddy will colour & baby loves to see it appear,, much fun
I have three boys that would love to play in the dark and use this,. they love to have fun together
My daughter would love to play in the Doodle Dome!
This is so cool!
my boys would love love love this!!!
my 5 year old! omgosh she’d sleep in that if I’d allow it.
nobodys afraid in this house. And this could help them stop sitting in the dark in the bathroom with a flashlight!
My daughter would LOVE it!
Nobody is afraid of the dark ! My 3 yr old daughter would play in there
My daughter who does not like the dark would love this & it would give her the confidence that she needs to get over that fear showing her the fun stuff you can do in the dark
My 2 daughters would go crazy over this game! They would just love it
no one is afraid of the dark here
My 2 year old son has not expressed any fear of the dark yet, and I know he’d love this tent. He absolutely adores hiding in dark corners, under blankets, etc. Having his own little fort would be such fun
my kids would both love this even thoug one of them is afraid of the dark
My daughter would love it ..she s not affraid of the dark..
my son would love this so much
I’ve got two little girls that would love to play with this. One’s a bit uncertain how she feels about the dark, but I think this would sway her!
My sons aren’t afraid of the dark and would love this.
My nephews would have a lot of fun with this!
I think all my grandchildren are afraid of the dark because they all want the door left open a bit when they go to bed, but I think they would still enjoy this dome.
the dog! and the baby
All 3 boys would love this!!!
I want to say my husband, but I know my oldest will also love it just as much as dad.
Wow my boys would love this. Maybe need a flashlight inside as one is afraid of the dark.
Non of us are afraid of the dark
None of us are afraid of the dark – my grandson would love this.
My twins would love this, they are fans of glow sticks and flashlights
This would be great fun for when the grandchildren stay over
I think I might play with it!
my girls!
All of my kids.
i have younger nieces and nephews that would have a blast with this as well as me
Still afraid of the dark but I think my grandson would love it anyway.
My toddler will LOVE LOVE LOVE this. TY so much for Givewawy
My Husband
This would make a great Christmas gift for my niece.
I’m not afraid of the dark, and I am my boy would love to play in the dome.
My daughter and niece would have a lot of fun together with this.
Even though I would love to play with this, lol, I would give it to my cousin for her son. He loves stuff like this!
Neither of my kids are afraid of the dark and would luv this!
This would be for my daughter, who so far, is not afraid of the dark.
This is so cool. I can honestly say I would be right in there with my daughters having fun!
My 6 year old daughter!
My little one would love to play in the Doodle Dome.
My 6 year old would love this :)_
you’re going to laugh at me but I’d have fun playing in the tent!!
lol nope! I was the first one to crawl in!
my son would love it
No one is afraid of the dark. My grandson would love this!
My grandkids would love it
we love family craft nights
My daughter would love this
I’ve got two boys that would love to have some fun with this.
My son would love this.
Niece and nephew would love this
My youngest is afraid of the dark (he’s 4) but he’d totally play in this with his older brother.
My oldest kid Eric would love this and isn’t afriad of the dark.
September -Probably my granddaughter, Emma.
September -Probably my granddaughter, Emma. There are two other granddaughters who could qualify as well!
September Probably my granddaughter, Emma. There are two other granddaughters who could qualify as well!–I do not think any of that would mind playing in the dark.
Definitely Miss R.
My daughter and me lol!
No one in this house is afraid of the dark. I have never heard of the Glow Crazy Doodle Dome, it looks like so much fun.
none of my kids are afraid of the dark.. I think all 3 of my kids would love this!
My oldest daughter would love this
My son would love to play in the doodle dome!
My boys love camping,so no,they are not afraid of the dark and they would love this!!
My daughter! She loves glow in the dark stuff!
My 3 kids would love this!
I think my nephew would love this to play his tough!
my kids would have a blast with this
My son and husband!!
my grandson would
My husband, ha ha! With our daughter!
My son And me!
It would be a task to keep my daughter out of there. She loves anything that glows in the dark.
Well, my 16 year old daughter is petrified, my 7 year old daughter doesn’t mind the dark at all..
my three kids! 9, 7 and 6 yr olds
My daughter is pretty adventurous…I think she would love the glow doodle dome
My daughter would love this!
my son would love this so much but i will admitt after 8pm i just have some me time in there
My son is not afraid of the dark and would absolutely love to play in the Doodle Dome!
none of us is scared of the dark and my son would love this.
My niece is very brave and not afraid of the dark and I think she would love to play with this.
My child would love to ply in the dome with glow sticks!
My gdaughter would enjoy this very much ! She loves glow in the dark stuff and pretend camping.
My niece would when she visits! she would love it.
My niece is not afraid of the dark and she would enjoy this.
my son will play there.
No one is afraid of the dark in our house and my son would love this!
My Grandaughter would love this and I’m not afraid of the dark
Both my boys would love this!
Any of my four would love this!
All of us if we can fir in it
My son!
My son would love this!!!
This is perfect for my little brother.
My 2 brothers would go gaga over this! No more ‘fraidness of the dark!
My DD would love this, and would hopefully share it with some of the kids that come to our in-home daycare.
My son would love to own this product!!!!
my sister
both my grandson & granddaughter would love this
that would definitely be my grandson, he knows no fear at all.
My two hyper nephews would love it!
I’m not afraid of the dark
and I would love to play with this! I’m sure my girls would too with Mommy close by their side.
All the “kids” would love it – the young and the old one (pops)!
my kids all would love this!
my three sons!
The glow dome looks like great fun. I cant wait to try it out with the kids!
My daughter is very gutsy and not afraid of the dark.
None of my kids are afraid of the dark, they would all enjoy it.
my grandkids would just love this it’s the most ingenious thing that they have ever made for kids
My nephew would love this!
My three kids would all love to play with this together.
my little nephews would love this!
My son would love to play in the dome with glow sticks.
My boys would love this!!!
My boys 6 & 9 would love to play in the dark in the dome!
My youngest grandson would love this
lol, I could see both my kids really enjoying this, either of them are afraid of the dark
My daughter would love to play with this. My husband is not afraid of the dark.
I m scared of the dark but I know my daughter would love to play with this and so would me and the hubby
My son isn’t afraid and would love it!
My nephew would absolutely love this.
My daughter would soooo love this! And, she has no fears of the dark!
DD is a huge doodle monster and she is definitely not afraid of the dark.
In my household no one is afraid of the dark. My niece would love this for xmas.
My son is not afraid of anything and would love this. His mom on the other hand…
2 out of 6 people are afraid of the the dark at my house and 2 of my kids would love this
My one little cousin (huge tom boy) would love this. She’s not afraid of anything lol.
My son would love to play in the Doodle Dome!
All 3 of my kids would LOVE this!
My daughter isn’t but my son is
My oldest son would love this he isn’t afraid of the dark!
This would be so great for my niece at christmas!
My nieces.
my daughter would love this!
My son and his friend would love this but I bet his older sisters could not resist trying it out. Sounds so fun!
both girls would love this
My great-nephew is a bit afraid of the dark but he would adjust if he had this prize.
My sons are not afraid and would love to play.
Our Grandson is not at all afraid of the dark. It is probably because he has always slept without a night light with his door shut. He would have a great time with this dome. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. Keep up the exceptional blogging.
My five year old son isn’t afraid of the dark and he would love to play with this!
My niece would sooo love this!
Everyone! lol
My nephew would absolutely love this!
No members of this house are afraid of the dark, but we have had a couple of visitors who are definately afraid.
my little girls would love to play in the doodle dome, how cool.
my daughter would like this
no one is afraid of the dark =)
My niece
My daughter would love this.
We have been SO, SO blessed in this area – our kids are 9 and 7 and both can walk all over the house in the dark – neither are scared of it, or anything, really. We’ve never made a big deal about certain things, darkness, dentist, bugs, anything, and so far, so good. It really makes me proud.
Would be fun for sleepovers!
My oldest would love it
I think my niece and nephew would have fun drawing on the Glow Crazy Doodle Dome.
My grandson and grand daughter would absolutely lot the doodle dome. They are not afraid of the dark at all.
Both my boys would lvoe the doodle dome!
Both my boys would lvoe the doodle dome!
No one is afraid of the dark and my nephews would love this!
My boys would love this!!
My niece and nephew would have a blast in/on this. Thankfully, they are not afraid of the dark (yet).
I think my youngest boy would really like this
all ok with the dark at our house and both boys would love this, too bad it is too small for a Jedi light sabre LOL
my niece and nephews
My granddaughter.
my youngest niece
My grandson!
My toddler! She has absolutely no fear! I mean it, she is afraid of nothing!
I have entered your fab giveaway.
My grandson is not afraid of the dark and would love this product.
It would be awesome to win the Glow Crazy Doodle Dome.
Thanks for the chance.