The end of May/beginning of June is a busy, busy time of year at our house. The school year is winding down with fundraisers and field trips, we have more birthdays to celebrate than I can keep up with and it’s the beginning of soccer season for the boys. This generally means we are on the soccer field four nights a week and that friends, equals a ton of sweaty laundry.
The thing with raising boys is they aren’t too fussed with smells. Creating stinking smells is actually funny to them so they don’t even seem to notice their putrid soccer socks or sweaty bed sheets starting to reek up the house. Mom notices though, it’s hard not to when that stench hits you as you enter their bedroom and what’s really disappointing is getting hints of odour as your folding warm laundry out of the dryer. What the heck is THIS??? I JUST washed these, they can’t possibly STILL smell!
Apparently this is called rebloom. Rebloom is when your clothes start smelling moments after you put them on or after a recent wash. It often happens with work out clothes or musty towels.
The solution lies in choosing the right products to tackle the smell. This month Tide is launching the new Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection. Each product in the colleciton works at a different fiber level to break down dirt and body soils so smells don’t rebloom and come back. Now you are just left with fresh smelling clothes thanks in part to the amazing scent of Downy Fresh with Febreze Odor Defense. Just add it in with your Tide Pods at the start of the wash cycle!

Oh those bathroom towels top the list of things to freshen up.
I agree.
Bathroom towels and underwear is my most wanted for freshening up
my socks need to be washed
Items I want to freshen up in the wash are dish towels and work out clothes.
….anything from my boy’s room lol.
I would love to freshen up my towels and my daughters clothes
Towels and washcloths for sure.
My husbands work shirts for sure, they often seem stinky still have just washing them.
towels could use a refresher
My husband clothes he uses in the garden.
I really need to freshen up my hubbies socks. HELP
would love to freshen the towels
my bath towels
My son has unfortunate accidents in his undies, so I would say the #1 item would be his underwear is in need of freshening up!
I like to freshen up my sheets from the trailer (been in storage all winter) and freshen up my son’s hockey under armour..
I want to freshen up my husband’s work clothes.
I would like to freshen up my towels!
I want to freshen up our gym clothes.
My towels and sheets!!!
I love to have fresh clean sheets. But…. My his mad and sons work clothes are a must! Without Downey that dirty work smell would never come out. Thank you for the chance to win!
I would love to freshen up my husband’s work clothes and my teen son’s gym clothes. Thank you for the giveaway!
Towels and shirts
My gym clothes and our blankets
baby clothes and my husbands reffing clothes!
I would love to freshen up my kids gym clothes
would like to freshen up bath mats
I’d like to freshen bedding cover
My towels and bathroom mats need some refreshing!
T shirts need to be freshened up.
husband and teenager boys socks
I would like to freshen up the towels and sheets
I want to freshen up our bath towels.
My husbands work clothes could benefit!
Towels are what i want to freshen up in the wash.
I want to freshen up my bath towels.
My son’s (an adult) hockey gear and his T-shirts.
My husband’s work clothes..yikes
Bathroom towels and Beddings
I have three dogs and two cats. The dogs sleep on my bed, so I am always looking for ways to freshen up my sheets and blankets.
Our towels and bedding for sure!
I’d like to freshen up my bedding!
I would love to freshen up my towels and bedding!!!
I want to freshen up the bathroom towels and the bed linens!
towels. thanks
I love freshening my towels! Nothing is nicer than fluffy, aromatic towels.
Need to freshen shirts and socks mostly.
I need to freshen up my bath towels.
I would like to freshen up my dirty stinky work socks
towels and our sheets and blankets
I have 4 teenagwrs and their socks smell horrible!!
my bedding 🙂
I’d freshen up our linens.
Oh gosh I would love to freshen up my husband’s tshirts in the wash!! The ones he wears to ride his bike, work out and hike in!
My bedding from storage could use a freshening in the wash.
Gym clothes and stinky socks
I’d like to freshen our hiking and camping gear.
My clothes and towels really need freshening up!!!
All my blankets and curtains to freshen up in the wash.
the bedding and bathroom towels
I want to freshen up my hubby’s socks and work clothes.
I would freshen up the throw blankets in the living room
I would like to freshen up our daughters swim clothes.
I would like to freshen up our towels and sheets.
I’d like to freshen up my hubsand’s work clothes.
Dish cloths and towels need to freshen up.
With summer heat coming up pretty much everything could use some help! Especially hubby’s work shirts!
I would love to freshen up some jackets!
My teenage sons entire clothing collection!
Gym clothes
The towels!
The bed linens! The stuff I use never seems to last!
The bed linens! The stuff I use never seems to last!
I would love this for my bed linens and towels.
I’d love to freshen up my towels and bedding
I want to freshen up all the clothes we had on holiday in Mexico.
Socks, underwear and bathroom towels and rugs
I want to freshen up our linens (bedding) and towels!
bedsheets and towels & gym clothes
Towels and linens.
I want to freshen up my comforters
I want to freshen up my sons stinky hockeu gear!
I would like to freshen up our towels, dish towels, and dishcloths.
I want to freshen up my towels
I want to freshen up my towels and sheets.
the bed sheets
Dog bedding!
Items I want to freshen up are my work clothing.
I would love to freshen up all my bedding .
About ever 2 months or so I wash all of my sheers and curtains. I love the fresh scent throughout the house when they’re all done and hanging again. Sometimes I do them even more often just to have that freshness in every room.
I want to freshen up the towels and my workout clothes.
My son’s karate uniform.
need to freshen up some old towels from the closet for summer
bathroom towels
Towels FOR SURE!
I would LOVE to freshen up our bath and hand towels.
I want to freshen up the dogs blankets.
I want to freshen up my drapes.
my son’s bedding/quilts and clothes!
I have several pieces of clothing that smell of mould, so much so that I cannot wear them. They definitely need freshening.
Our towels are in need of freshening up the most.
I would love to freshen up kids gym clothes, dish rags and our towels.
I love to freshen up my bed linen!
I’d like to freshen up our sportswear items in the laundry
I would like to freshen up our doggie bed.
My kids t-shirts. They’re a disaster.
I have some Chico reusable grocery bags that have become a bit stinky. I’ve washed them, but they still have a whiffy smell. So this would be perfect to freshen them up.
I need help with blankets i store in the summer. I also would like to freshen up some old pillo
my husband’s running clothes
The worst smell in my laundry room is my gross kitchen wash cloths! I have washed on hot, cold, with vinegar, thrown them out and started over and still nothing helps! After one day of use in the kitchen they smell like they could grow legs and walk away! YUCK! I would love to Fight Odour the right way with Tide + Downy Odour Defense and kill these smells once and for all! Thank you for a great post and giveaway! Good luck all!
I would like to freshen up my bedding.
I want to freshen up my towels!
I still have some bigger blankets that need to be washed and put away for the season , one being the blanket I dragged into the car on monday when I was so sick
bathroom towels & bed sheets
I want to freshen up my towels.
I would live to freshen up my work clothes and our towels
I want to freshen up everything my dog touches! Dog blankets and beds!
I like to freshen up our towels and sheets.
My dogs bed could use a good freshening up!
Summer clothes coming out of storage could definitely use a freshening up.
Sheets and towels – I love good-smelling linens 🙂
I would love to freshen up our towels, and my son’s socks need some life back in them! 🙂
I want to freshen up our bedsheets.
My bathmat- I seem to recall it being white…
My workout clothes
I love nice lightly scented bed sheets.
My socks.
Dogs blankets & toys! Ok my husbands socks also 🙂 but the dogs appreciate clean clothes more !
I’d love to freshen up my towels.
My boxers
Towels and sheets.
I’d love to freshen up my running clothes lol
Towels! and some fabric toys.
My sheets. I would love the scent to last longer
Towels & Linens
I want to freshen up my rib-eating bib
I think it’s the water, so pretty much everything needs to get that fresh smell.
I love the smell of freahened up sheets
My socks truly must be freshened up for sure.
Bathroom towels and their funk need a refresh
Bathroom towels could be freshened up
Linens…bedding towels an cloth napkins!
The worst is hockey gear!
Socks stink!
Everything the toddler touches!
The workout clothes
I would like to freshen up some smelly socks.
Facial wash cloths could use some freshening up! 😛
would love to freshen up my towels
I would like to freshen up my blankets
Towels, undergarments and socks
gym clothes and towels
I would love to freshen up my clothes
I would like to freshen up the towels, they seem to get loose their freshness in the linen closet
I would like to freshen up gym clothes, towels and bed sheets!
my daughter’s dance clothes, and my husband’s basketball clothes
It would be great to win a $50 Walmart Gift Card.
In response to your question of
What items do you want to freshen up in the wash?
I want to freshen up my Towels,Socks and Underwear.
Thank you for having this giveaway.
I would like to freshen my sweaters!
Winter blankets and throws before storing them away for summer, then our beach towels and summer swag 🙂
My towels.
Hmm, maybe my sweaters, they always tend to smell bad for some reason even after I dry them.
Everything lol but mostly the towels, sweaters and boyfriend’s work clothes
Stinky socks
I always want to freshed towels and bedding!
My son’s work socks and my workout clothes need the most help in the refreshing department.
Towels and dishcloths need refreshing.
My outdoor work clothes which get a little whiffy in hot weather.
Freshen up my soacks
Underwear could use a fresher.
My husband’s work clothes that smells of oil
The big bath and beach towels.
my kids are getting to that very smell boy age … so i’d have to say their clothes for sure lol
I would like to freshen up my towels and linens
I would like to freshen up the bedding and towels
I would like to freshen up ball caps and blankets.
I would love to freshen up my dog’s bedding and hubby’s work clothes.
I would love to freshen up our towels.
I would love to freshen up my work-out clothing, my sparring equipment, my linens and towels.
I’d like to freshen up my summer T-shirts.
My slipper booties. They are a little smelly!
I want to freshen up my towels!!
I would like to freshen up towels and several clothing items that see lots of sweat.
my socks need freshened up!
My towels need freshening up.
my family is a sweaty one, we need releif !!
I’d like to freshen up the dog blankets and towels.
Some stinky towels, lol.
my dogs blanket
I would love to freshen up stinky sports socks.
I would like to freshen up my bedding.
I would like to freshen up my bedroom sheets!
I would like to freshen up the dog’s bedding
I would like the bathroom towels to be freshend up
My bedding….comforter, sheets, etc….
my sheets and my towels
I don’t feel clean with a towel that is not freshened up properly.
The items I would love to freshen up are my summer cloths that have been stored away. Beach towels too. I could keep adding to this list..Thank you for this Great Giveaway 🙂
I want to freshen up my sheets and towels .
Our towels!
Everything. But, mainly towels
Workout clothes
I’d like to freshen up my towels.
Would like to fresh up our sheets and blankets.
As we just moved and they were packed into
books in storage for months. great giveaway too.
cat bedding
I would love to freshen up our towels
I’d like to freshen up my pillows!
I need to freshen up all the stinky boy clothes!
Bed sheets, towels and socks
my hubby’s work shirts
I want my bath towels, bath robe and pajamas to freshen up.
I would definitely love to wash my shirts as they definitely need refreshing, bath towels too!!
MY kids blankies they neve rput down
I want to freshen up my towels and dish cloths
My under shirts and the towels
I need to freshen up my workout clothes.
I need to freshen up the kids soccer socks….the STINK after practice/games
Socks and gym wear
I would love to freshen up our towels. they get quite smelly with 3 boys in the house
Fresh air is the best.
Towels and sheets!
My husband’s socks need freshening up.
My towels need fresh scent
My dingy looking white work-out socks
My towels need to be freshened up
I want to freshen up all of our summer clothing that has been packed away all winter long.
I have been using one of those Downy Fabric Softener Balls for many years and I love it!
I recently tried Gain flings and I found them to be a touch overpowering with the scent! I love my Downy~!
My converses!
Bathroom towels and faceclothes
I would like to freshen up my towels most!
My gym clothes need freshening
I would love to freshen up my kids clothes, towels, and underwear!
I want to freshen up tops.
I’d love to freshen up my towels
I want to freshen up my Husbands fishy clothes hes a lobster fishermen and his clothes stink like bait its so gross , i need this bad lol 🙂 thanks for the chance 🙂
I would like to frenshen up the bed linens & towels
I definitely would love to freshen up towels.
my husband’s work clothes 🙂
I have three little girls, five year old twins and a four year old, and a construction worker husband. There is not one item of clothing in this house that doesn’t need freshening up!
Our curtains need to be washed desperately!
Bathroom towels need freshening up!
Couch cover cats sleeps on it need a freshing up
I have a teenage son who has recently started hitting the gym after school. We have PLENTY of clothes that can use some refreshing!
our towels need freshening up
My daughter’s bedding always needs freshening. (I can hardly wait for bed wetting to be a think of the past!)
I want to freshen up stinky gym clothing!
Mt dogs bedding, or my boys sports clothes
the boys soccer clothes – yuck!
Would love to refresh my bedding since the dog sleeps with me every night… yuck!
I would want to freshen up my work clothes.
Hockey equipment !!!!
I want to freshen up my towels and facecloths and sheets.
All my linens!
My husbands and sons sports gear for sure
I like to wash all the decor that is fabric in the spring – towels that are on display, chair covers, curtains, you name it! I’ve been doing a little every day. This would be wonderful!
I want all of our clothes to smell fresh, but I’d really love to know that the little washable cleaning pad that goes with my Swiffer WetJet was really fresh since I use it everywhere.
Our sheets in our camper need to be freshened up.
My daughters socks could use some freshing joke…pheww!
I’d freshen up curtains
I would like to freshen the soccer gear.
I would like to freshen up my son’s workout clothes.
Definitely hockey jerseys and socks! Phew!
the overall smell of my laundry so the smell lasts longer
I really need something that will help freshen up our stinky summer socks and our towels.
I want to freshen up my sheets & towels
i want to freshen up my workout shirt and shorts. they stink!
This so rings a bell with me as my boys also are so stinky sweaty too! Thanks for the info!
I’d really like to freshen up my old towels
I would like to freshen up the towels and sheets.
Bath towels and sheets
My husbands work clothes and the kids bathing suits!
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
Definitely my husbands work clothes!!
I want to freshen up my yoga wardrobe! Plus towels!
Gotta keep it fresh…always!
I keep a bounce sheet in the dirty hamper, smells a bit better till wash day
All of our pillows – downy fresh dreams!
Bed sheets and towels
My gyum clothes