Silly Spring Jokes for Kids


Celebrate the season with these silly Spring jokes for kids!


Spring has sprung and the mood is light, it’s the perfect time to break out the giggle bus with some fun jokes about Spring!

Like always, our jokes are clean and family-friendly so you can share them with your kids or students worry free.


silly spring jokes for kids


Silly Spring Jokes for Kids


What month of the year is the shortest?
May (only 3 letters)


If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?


When do monkeys fall from the sky?
During APE-ril showers!


What season is it best to go on a trampoline?
Spring time


What falls but never gets hurt?
The rain!


What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?


What monster plays the most April Fool’s jokes? 


Does February like March?
No, but April May.


Name a bow that can’t be tied.
A rainbow.


Which superhero likes spring the best? 


spring weather joke



How does the sun listen to music?
On its ray-dio!


What does winter fat turn into? 
Spring rolls.


Why is everyone so tired on April 1st?
Because they just finished a long 31-day March!


What did the summer say to the spring?
Help! I’m going to fall.


What goes up when the rain comes down?


Why is spring a great season to start a gardening business?
Because it’s the season when you can really “rake” in the cash!


What’s the best day of the year to monkey around with your friends?
Ape-ril Fool’s Day, of course


Did you see that all the snow and ice are melting? 
Yes, I thaw!


What can you find in the middle of April and March but not at the beginning or end of either? 
The letter R!


What is spring’s superpower? 
Flower power!


What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls? 


spring joke for kids


Flower Jokes for Kids


Why is the letter ‘A’ like a flower?
 A Bee comes after it


What did the flower say to the flower beside him?
Move over bud!


What is Spring’s favorite kind of pickles?


What flowers grow on faces?
Tulips (Two-lips)!


What is the most delicious flower? 
A Delphini-yum!


What did the big flower say to the little one?
You’re really growing, bud!


spring flower joke


What do you call a flower that glows in the dark? 
A lightbulb!


What do you get when you plant kisses?


Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike?
It lost its petals.


What is a frogs favorite flower?
A Croak-us!


Which flower should a boy give his mom?
A Son-flower!



flower joke for kids


Funny Garden Jokes 


Why do potatoes make good detectives?
Because they keep their eyes peeled.


Why did the farmer tell spring jokes to his ducks? 
Because he wanted to quack them up!


How do you lead a horse to water?
With lots of carrots.


Why is spring a great season to start a gardening business?
Because it’s the season when you can really “rake” in the cash!


What kind of bean never grows in a garden?
A jelly bean!


Why did the farmer bury all his money?
To make his soil rich!


Why did the farmer plant a seed in his pond?
He was trying to grow a water-melon.


What do you get when you cross a vegetable and a pair of scissors?


How can you tell it’s a dogwood tree?
By the bark.


What kind of garden does a baker have?
A “flour” garden


garden riddle


What kind of socks does a gardener wear?
Garden hose.


Why is Yoda such a good gardener?
Because he has a green thumb!


What is a farmer’s favourite game?


How excited was the gardener about spring?
So excited he wet his plants!


What did the dirt in the garden say during heavy rain?
If this keeps up I’ll be MUD!


How does a cucumber become a pickle?
It goes through a jarring experience!

Who is an herb’s favorite singer?
Elvis Parsley! 


What did the gardener do when all his plants wilted? 
He threw in the trowel!


What did the bean say to the sprout?
“Grow up!”


What makes some plants better at math than others? 
Square roots!


garden joke



Tree Jokes for Kids


How do trees get onto the internet?
Easy, they just LOG on!


Why don’t trees like any riddles?
Because they can quickly get very stumped.


What did the small tree say when its big brother was teasing it?
It said, “leaf me alone.”


What’s a tree’s favourite drink? 
Root beer!


What do trees wear to all pool parties?
They wear swimming trunks.


What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree


Why are trees the worst frenemies?
They are pretty good at throwing shade.


What is a tree’s favorite dinosaur?
It’s the Tree-rex.


What did the tree say to spring? 
What a re-leaf!


Tree riddle for kids


Funny Animal & Bug Jokes for Spring


What did the bird say to the worm?
I’ll catch you later!


What did the mother worm say to the little worm who was late?
Where IN earth have you been?


Why did the bee get married?
Because he found his honey!


Why did the worm cross the ruler?
To become an inch worm!


Can bees fly in the rain?
Not without their little yellow jackets!


What is a bugs favorite band?
The Beetles!


Why did the chicken take a nap? 
Because it was eggs-hausted!


What do sheep do on sunny days?
Have a baa-baa-cue.


What do you call a grizzly bear caught in the rain?
A drizzly bear


What do you call two young married spiders?
Newly webs


What’s a baby chick’s favorite plant?


Why did the bird go to the hospital?
It needed tweetment!


spider joke


What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks?
FOUL weather!


What sort of cakes do birds prefer?
chocolate chirp


What is a spring chick after it is five months old?
Six months old.


What bug is always on time for spring? 
A clock-roach!


How does a bee brush its hair?
With its honeycomb


What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
Bugs Bunny


Why did the farmer put out a giraffe, monkey and an elephant in his farm? 
Because he wanted to grow zoo-cchini!


What type of bird should you never take to the bank?
A robin


What do you call a well-dressed lion?
A dandy lion!


How do pigs relax in springtime? 
In a ham-mock!


What is a penguin’s favourite vegetable? 


Why are frogs so happy? 
They eat whatever bugs them!


Where do cows go for spring break? 
Moo Jersey!


Why did the bee get married?


Let your child’s laughter bloom with our funny Springtime jokes for kids, it’s the perfect way to welcome Spring!

Looking for more seasonal jokes? We have them all! Next up is Summer, find our Summer riddles and puns here.


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silly jokes about spring


You might also like to try these fun Springtime activities for kids

Birds Nest Rice Krispie Treats

Hairy! Gardening Craft

Carrot Patch Pudding Cups

Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt

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