Dreaming of a Green Christmas? Choose eco-friendly toys with Eko Bear!

When I was in highschool, I banned wrapping paper from our house for the holidays. Yeah, mom and dad were probably a little shocked but they were good sports and went along with it. So, instead of wasting all that fancy wrapping paper that costs a fortune, is completely unnecessary and at the time was a big fat raspberry to the environment (recycling wasn't happening back then like it is now, it all went into the garbage bag), our tree had presents wrapped in the comics and sports sections of … [Read more...]

Something different for your LEGO fan from DK Canada

My seven year old is the self proclaimed, world's biggest LEGO fan! His little brother's are hot on his heels for the title, but he is definitely the LEGO king at our house and spends hours building one amazing creation after the other. LEGO will be high on his wish list this Christmas, but with buckets and buckets overflowing of those tiny bricks in the house, we knew it was time to think outside the box! DK Canada was exactly what we were looking for! They have a HUGE selection of creative … [Read more...]

Love notes before bed

After the Blissdom Canada conference early last month, my son was looking through some of the items that made their home in my swag bag. A little red notebook and some pencils fell out of the Timspiration package from Tim Hortons.  "Can I have these?" he asked "Sure Buddy" I replied and during that very moment our entire night time routine would be changed for the better. My husband and I tucked the boys into bed that night and crawled into bed ourselves to watch some television. … [Read more...]

Battle Winter Cold with a Warm Buddy Spa Robe this Season!

When the weather outside is frightful, it's time to find your Warm Buddy! What?? No warm buddy? it's time for you to make a new friend! Warm Buddy has a product for everyone from the newest member of your family to your oldest! From soft and cozy teddies, to therapeutic body wraps for aches and pains, Karen McKee, president of Warm Buddy, has been helping Canadians survive winter since 1995! I'm the type of person who just can't stand to be cold, not even a little! I've had my eye on Warm … [Read more...]

Turbo races onto Blu-ray in time for the holidays!

I have kind of a love/hate with kids movies sometimes, I've been a fan of animated films my whole life, but since having kids I'm a bit more critical you could say. It takes a lot to earn a place on my top movie list, but this summer Turbo won his way into the top 5! Yup, this is for realz kids! We took the boys and the Aussie Uncles to see Turbo to beat the heat on a scorching day last July, and I was completely impressed! Everyone from age 4 -38 loved the movie in our little group! For no … [Read more...]

Stocking Stuffers for Ladies

Ladies do you still get a stocking to unload on Christmas morn'?  At our house Santa only brings gifts to the kiddos so no stocking for me, but if I was filling one up for myself, I know just the things I would be stuffing it with!    Being a boymom especially, I really appreciate a girly gift just for me every once in a while. There is nothing wrong with a little sweet smelling pampering in this life filled with toy trucks and burping at the dinner table! lol Here's a couple of … [Read more...]

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