Let me count the ways….

My Baby Boys are growing up, let me count the ways......Big Brother is registered for Kindergarten..Ack! Kindergarten!!!!!Little Buddy is pretty much sleeping through the night, every night- Praise the Lord!!!!Middle Man is showing interest in the potty- Probably only because Big Brother uses it, but I wonder if I can possibly survive 2 boys potty training at onceLittle Buddy is pulling up to a sitting position and almost a standMiddle Man is trying to undress himself- only at appropriate … [Read more...]

Someday I’m going to be bigger than you…..

Big Brother can be a bit of a handful at sleep time. This particular night, both the Hubby and I had been in to put him back to bed a couple of times. Finally, my Husband went up to lay with Big Brother in bed and he laid his big heavy arm across Big Brother to keep him there. Big Brother says 'You're hurting me'Daddy says 'I'm not hurting you'Big Brother says 'well someday I'm going to be bigger and you are going to be small, and I'm going to hurt you- how about that?'LOL Seriously? at 3 years … [Read more...]

A lunch conversation with a 3 year old

Aussie Uncle to Big Brother: Would you like a carrot?   Big Brother: No! Carrots are for Snowmen! … [Read more...]

Preserve Your Memories

Mommies of the world, I encourage you all the get those cameras out and snap away!!!! My Mother in law passed away recently and while we are preparing for her funeral we are gathering photos of her for the service. Hmmmm....where are all those photos?????? For the record I am a lover of photography, I have hundreds and hundreds of pictures of my babies, but apart from that I really don't take photos of anyone else. Not even people with the babies. We must do better than this. There are not … [Read more...]

One on One

I have been fortunate lately to have had a few different opportunities to spend some one on one time with  my two little guys. Parents with one child, will not understand this. Maybe even parents of two will still have a hard time grasping this. But when you have more than two kids, one on one time is precious and rare. I remember the two years I had with Big Brother before the Middle Man made his appearance, I took him everywhere with me, all of the time, we played, we painted, we swam, we … [Read more...]

Our Baby Girl

Yes, it's true- while testosterone runs amuck around our house, I still have someone on my team. Mind you, I can't dress her up in cute skirts or paint her toes pink, but she's still our first born, our baby girl- she's our chocolate lab Riley!This is her 'baby picture' I took it on her first day home with us at 6 weeks old. Isn't she sweet? Looking back now, am I ever glad we picked a girl! who knew the house would be over run with boys a few short years later! Actually, Riley was my … [Read more...]

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