Our Baby Girl

style="text-align: center;">Yes, it’s true- while testosterone runs amuck around our house, I still have someone on my team. Mind you, I can’t dress her up in cute skirts or paint her toes pink, but she’s still our first born, our baby girl- she’s our chocolate lab Riley!
This is her ‘baby picture’ I took it on her first day home with us at 6 weeks old. Isn’t she sweet? Looking back now, am I ever glad we picked a girl! who knew the house would be over run with boys a few short years later! Actually, Riley was my consolation prize, after a weekend of meltdowns on not having a bun in the oven just yet. It will surprise you to know that it took my husband and I two years to conceive Big Brother. It’s true, even if all these babies back to back tell you otherwise! lol
Labs are just the best dogs in a house full of kids! She is super tolerant of everything they try to pull on her, whether it be tinkling her tags, catching her tail or riding her like a pony! It’s really Riley that needs protecting from the monkeys!
When it was just the three of us – Riley, my husband and I, she got loved up on an hourly basis and walked everyday. Then Big Brother came and it was actually not that bad for her, she started to get two walks a day some days because I would take a walk with the baby and her during the day and again after supper with my husband. Then came the Middle Man and boy did life change around here. No longer could she come on walks with us through the day, she is horribly excited to be out and about and constantly pulls even with the halti. I could not handle a walking two year old, a baby in a stroller and a hyper lab all at the same time. It broke my heart to leave her at home, but we still often got out in the evenings, only now it was only on the nice nights. Then came Little Buddy and the final drop on the totem pole was carved. Poor Riley! Now I can barely even walk the kids let alone the dog and even with my husband for help we have our hands full! Where once we hiked through forests and fields for fun, we now barely go around our small block. The highlight of her day is now sitting under Middle Man’s chair when he eats dinner! Oh but what a sweet, sweet girl she is, and she’s on my team! We are still outnumbered, but we have each other!

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