Individual overnight egg cups are perfect for special occasions or serving guests, do all the prep the night before! Mother's Day is coming up this weekend....yes, THIS weekend!! Did it sneak up on anyone else or just me? My husband is pretty great at making my day special and I have tickets to Stars on Ice to celebrate with my mom, so with the weather forecast on our side for a fabulous weekend, I know I don't need to worry about a thing. But soooo often I hear … [Read more...]
Overnight Egg Cups
Frog Cupcakes
Adorable Frog Cupcakes, so easy, the kids can decorate themselves! Spring is finally upon us and like everything around here, we like to celebrate with food! It's our favourite activity to do together, well it's mine, if you asked the boys they might say video games are their favourite, but back to my kind of fun - cupcakes! Recently we made these adorable frog cupcakes, that turned out to be just as much fun to make as it was to eat them! Yes, they are … [Read more...]
Time for a little Spring Cleaning {Giveaway}
This year I almost decided to skip some of my spring cleaning. There is construction going on in our neighbourhood and we can barely see the sun for dust some days! Forget about what my windows look like! lol But I did it, I got my step stool out and even started with the windows, because spring cleaning is a sign of good weather to come and a new season is upon us! To make your transition into the new season a breeze, here are some quick tips with a must-have giveaway for the … [Read more...]
Spring: Making the Day Special
Ever feel like the only time you get to see the garden these days is when you've got to work on it? Weeding the flower beds, mowing the grass, trimming the hedges, the edges, the bushes… when will it end! Now that spring is here and summer is knocking on the door why not plan a special lunch or memorable day that’ll let you and the kids get out and enjoy the garden? It needn't be a calendar celebration like a birthday, just a fun day for its own sake. Take advantage of some quality bonding … [Read more...]
Burst into Spring at Shoppers Drug Mart
Spring was made for family road trips! After a long winter cooped up in the house, I can't wait to stretch my legs and my horizons and get out exploring with my favourite people! Every good road trip should start with a visit to Shoppers Drug Mart. With aisles filled with all your favourite vacation essentials such as bug spray, sunscreen, magazines and munchies, you are sure to hit the open road with everything you need to make your family's adventure a good one! First off, … [Read more...]
Diono Monterey Booster – for our next big step!
It's hard being the youngest sibling. I have three boys, the youngest two are just barely a year apart, so it can be hard for my little guy who's on the bottom of the totem pole. Because the boys are close in size, age and interests, sometimes he doesn't understand that for safety reasons he can't always do everything that his older brothers can do. Being just that tiny bit shorter has had him sitting out on fun rides and activities before, but it's a daily reminder in our van, as he is our last … [Read more...]