La ROCCA Creative Cakes makes spoiling Mom a breeze! {Giveaway}

Recently I was asked if I would 'taste test' a La ROCCA Cake, and I gave it some long, hard, serious thought. Ha! I'm kidding! We both know I shouted out 'yes!' before they could change their minds! With Mother's Day coming up next weekend, it made sense, I'm a Mom three times over, and I love a creative cake, I really do! My husband is totally fine with a run of the mill boxed cake mix, but I'm far snobbier.....err...more sophisticated than that! I love cake, but it has to be something special … [Read more...]

Star Wars Day is coming!!

Every Star Wars fan's favourite holiday is coming up on May 4th! Why May 4th? Well, try saying "May the 4th be with you" outloud and I bet you'll quickly hear the reference to the popular line in the Star Wars franchise, May the 'force' be with you! It's a fun play on words that quickly gained momentum, especially online, and today it's now known around the world as Star Wars Day! With a house of three boys, you can bet we have a few Stars Fans in the house, but the biggest one is Daddy who … [Read more...]

Tips to Keep your Family Active with Skechers {Giveaway}

They say a family who plays together, stays together and I wholeheartedly agree! When my husband and I decided we needed to get fit, it was easy for us to carve out the time and make it happen. Okay, no, it wasn't easy, it never is, but as adults we made the commitment to do something and stuck with it, the kids on the other hand were going to be a different story. My video game loving boys are much happier curled up in the basement and they spent much of their winter hibernating that way, but … [Read more...]

Tandoori Chicken Wings

My husband and I love wings, so it really surprised us that neither one of us had ever made them from scratch. Nope, we have been relying on boxes of frozen wings for far too long and this past weekend we took Wing Night to a whole new and awesome level with Tandoori Chicken Wings!   Tandoori Chicken Wings 4 tbsp natural yogurt 5 tbsp Pataks Tandoori Curry Paste 12  chicken wings Mix the yogurt and Tandoori Curry Paste together and rub all over the wings in a dish. I actually … [Read more...]

Tuna Spring Rolls

  Healthy Tuna Spring Rolls that are perfect for summer lunches and taking along to picnics   As Ontario slowly slips out of it's winter deep freeze, my thoughts turn to all things summer! Meals on the back deck, picnics in the park, road trips with the family.....and all the delicious warm weather food that goes with it! When temperatures rise, it's just too hot to heat up the kitchen with the oven, and lately I've been experimenting with spring roll wrappers and came up … [Read more...]

What do little boys want to be when they grow up? – Boymoms share!

  When I was little my male classmates answered the question "what do you want to be when you grow up?" with answers like fireman and policeman, maybe even a doctor, but usually a community helper of some sort. Being Canadian kids, hockey players or other sports heros were popular choices too. Boys who were super creative answered with fantasies like super hero! Now that I am a mom to three boys, I hear them talk about what they want to be when they get older and I'm a little bit … [Read more...]

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