"Don't ever say Knights don't have any fun" warned the lead knight, as the first notes of 'The Hokey Pokey' begin to play and the arena erupts into a rousing routine of left and right limbs shaking about. The boys are taking part in a Medieval Times Junior Knight Training session at Toronto Castle, and The Hokey Pokey is serving as both an ice breaker for some nervous little ones, like my 6 year old, and a reminder of left and right for others. Offered free of charge, before the 4:30pm … [Read more...]
Junior Knight Training at Medieval Times
Acrylic Prints make Valentine Photos Pop!
“ Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.” -Marc Brown Valentines Day might have been all hearts and flowers before we had kids, but these days it's a family affair and we wouldn't have it any other way. There's a lot of different love that goes with having a big family, and brotherly love is my favourite to watch unfold. Each year my boys seem to love each other more and more and they are really turning into the best of friends. If that's not worth celebrating on … [Read more...]
Join in the #ToppitsGlutenFree Twitter Party
Toppits Foods is making life a little easier for gluten free families, with their new line of gluten-free breaded fish. Now available in Gluten-Free Breaded Haddock, Gluten-Free Breaded Cod, and Gluten-Free Lemon Breaded Sole, this tender flaky fish and light crispy coating will quickly become a popular new menu choice for those who are gluten intolerant, or those looking for a healthier alternative to a wheat-based breaded fish. To … [Read more...]
Always #LikeAGirl – Super Bowl XLIX Ad
Who Throws like a girl, kicks like a girl and runs like a girl???? Football players do, that's who! Because being #LikeaGirl means doing something with your whole heart, being who you are, and not apoligizing for it! This Super Bowl Sunday, watch out for the debut of a 60 second version of the influential Always #LikeAGirl video. With more than 100 million people watching the Super Bowl, including an expected 10 million in Canada, Always wants to ask girls, women, boys and men across … [Read more...]
Free LEGO Game Printables
Keep the kids busy with these free LEGO games and printables, just print & play! Tomorrow is a PA Day in our neck of the woods, and from the sounds of other moms on Facebook, the same is happening for kids across Canada. A winter PA Day can be brutal for keeping kids entertained, but I'm thankful that I am finally seeing some fresh falling snow out our window! Hopefully enough to fall to cover up all of that ice out there! For the hours that the boys will … [Read more...]
Very Berry Almond Smoothie #CoolerwithAlmondBreeze
With no member of our family sensitive to dairy, almond milk just wasn't something we considered buying. Turns out, it's actually pretty darn tasty and that's reason enough! It's also a great source of calcium and lactose, gluten and dairy free. The best part? Almond Breeze Vanilla only contains just 90 calories per cup and has no saturated fat, making it a great addition to your healthy eating routine! Come on, you know you vowed to eat better this year right? To get properly aquainted … [Read more...]