New from Special K, Cracker Chips

Do you love trying new products as they hit the store shelves?? Special K has just introduced the world to the Cracker Chip and you, my dears, get a chance to win the full line up! If you are like me, you might just hate to fork out the money to try something new, worried you might end up hating it and waste the money. Today you can enter to win all three new flavours of the Special K Cracker Chips risk free! won't cost ya a thing! A crispy blend of potato and rice and lightly seasoned, … [Read more...]

Turning 30 Sucks!

Don't even think for a second that I am turning 30, I wish! lol that milestone has come and gone years ago! lol It's actually one of our Aussie Uncles that had the big 3-0 and this is a simple little gift that the boys and I mailed to Oz for the occassion This fun little DIY gift will work for any milestone birthday and was adapted from a project I saw on Pinterest. * Grab a bundle of suckers, any kind will do, but I liked these Toostie Pops (tho if you use a blow pop, you could easily … [Read more...]

Guest Post: How to Remember Dad on Father’s Day

Hi all! Today I have a visitor on my blog to help you out with planning the perfect Father's Day gift! Please welcome Jodi from Rants n' Rascals!   The best way to remember dad on Father's Day isn't to buy him a tie, that CD he wants or even tools. Those are all great gifts but one thing Dad's have in common is forgetting past events. If you ask a mother when her child was born she can tell you exactly when, where, the time and how much baby weighed. Dads are so busy that day … [Read more...]

Adult Essentials Vitamins for the Long Haul

As you know I have been taking Adult Essentials vitamins now for a couple of months. These just aren't any vitamins, they are soft chewy and yummy tasting gummy vitamins, but don't think I stole them from the kids, these gummy vitamins are made for adults and they taste great! After having some trouble with large, hard pills, I am super happy to have found Adult Essentials and the multi vitamin with Omega-3 DHA & EPA will now forever remain apart of my morning routine. The are a great way … [Read more...]

Scholastic Makes the Best Gifts!

All three of my boys and my husband have their birthdays within 10 days of eachother, and when we finally wrap up birthday season, it's already Father's Day! It's exciting and exhausting all at once, but when I am picking out gifts I know that books are always going to be a big hit, even for Father's Day! I like to pick out a fun kids books about Daddy's for the boys to give their Dad and it warms my heart to see Daddy and the boys reading together. Here are a couple of Scholastic Books that … [Read more...]

Tales from a McDonald’s Play Place

So how to celebrate your little boy's birthday when the day is gloomy and promises rain? You take him to Rona of course! Okay, not really. But kind of. We didn't stay long though, guilt started to settle in when the birthday boy started to ask "my birthday now mom?", so off we went to Mc Donald's. * McD's Pet Peeve #312 - Cartoons playing on their big screen tv that I don't even let my kids watch at home. What happened to Treehouse? #fail Three grilled cheese happy meals down and the … [Read more...]

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