Beach Boys

Last week I told you all about our trip to Niagara Falls, but our holidays didn't stop there. We still had a long weekend to take care of! We adore the beach, I wish we lived even closer to one, I would go all the time! This was our second visit this summer and I hope we can squeeze in one more before the warmth of summer fades. This particular day was really great because a sandbar had developed really close to shore. The boys had a blast playing in between and the water was so … [Read more...]

Tee Time: Blush Topless Undershirt

Topless Undershirt you say?? Tee Shirt Extender?? Wondering what that is?? It's your tee shirt's BFF that's what! Basically it's material that bridges the gap between shorter style tees and lower rise jeans. It's layering without the bulk, straps and heat of an extra shirt because it just wraps around your middle section and you can make it as long as you need. No More Plumbers Butt!! With 3 little boys I bend down and sit on the floor a lot. I find especially at places like playgroup … [Read more...]

Tee Time: Union 28 Marriage Apparel

Disclosure: We received items at no cost for reviewing purposes, all opinions are my own. We all love our Hubsters, our Hubsters love us, but we don't always get around to saying it or even better- showing it, as often as we would like. Union 28 Marriage Apparel has tees that work as constant reminders to show and act on our love for our spouses, and in a fashionable way too! I mean really, who could get mad at a guy wearing an "I love my wife" tee right? Celebrate Your Spouse in … [Read more...]

Vacay at the Falls

  There's so much to see and do in Niagara Falls, my last post was on Marineland, but, just being in a hotel is exciting for my crew. Luckily for mom and dad the pool at the hotel was a warm one! We hate cold water and the kids are so young and out number us that we need both of us in the water. We made it swimming 3 times during our stay. … [Read more...]

Tee Time: KC Los Angeles

I've had a bit of a fascination with the Latin culture for as long as I can remember, I even took two years of Spanish in high school, but I should probably mention that I barely passed each time lol Maybe I should leave the speaking to someone else and stick with the wearing! I found KC Los Angeles tees and was so excited to see a fab line up of shirts with a Latina flair! KC LA has a lot of great tees and tanks, it was really hard for me to choose just one to showcase for you. Even … [Read more...]

Vacationing with the Whales at Marineland

  I've said it before and I'll say it again, Travelling with kids is not a "holiday". That's completely misleading! lol 'holiday' conjures up images of stress free relaxation and this on the other hand, is not. But we went ahead and had ourselves a little getaway with the kids and had some family fun nonetheless. We loaded up the boys and took a road trip to Niagara Falls, Ontario. A visit to Marineland was a big part of our trip taking a full day to enjoy and it was a huge hit with the … [Read more...]

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