I married my best friend when I was 27 years old. We always knew we wanted children, and even though we had been dating for 5 years and living together for a year and a half, we still wanted some time to together to be a married couple before we started our family. We spent some time traveling to New York City, bought ourselves a house and settled in to our new life. Friends started having babies by the truck load, it seemed every month there was a new announcement and after … [Read more...]
My Journey to Motherhood #OHIP4IVF
IVF Funding for Ontario ~ because it’s fair.
Little girls dream of playing princess for a day in white wedding gowns and they dream of having more babies than any regular house can hold! And so they should. We encourage their dreams of finding Prince Charming and nuture their love of children by teaching them to diaper dolls and cuddle babies to sleep. What we don't tell them is that there's a really good chance, their dreams of parenthood won't come true. We don't tell them that 1 in 8 Canadian couples struggle with … [Read more...]
IVF Funding in Ontario~ because it’s time! #ohip4ivf #onpoli
You all know that I am a mom of three young boys, but what you may not know is the journey that got us here. Some may look at my family and think that I am so fertile, I only need to look at my husband to get pregnant, but that really couldn't be further from the truth. Like many women, doctors considered me to be infertile. And being in the infertile club, is one membership you never want to hold. It didn't make sense to me, I was 29 years old, healthy, married … [Read more...]
For a thousand years….
You know when you hear a song and it seems to speak to your soul? That was this song for me. While it is a love song, it wasn't a romantic notion that made my heart swell. It was more than that. This song has a different meaning for me, and relates to our days of infertility. Believe it or not, this mom of three in three years was once considered infertile. And as we miscarried and waited our turn, after congratulating endless friends on their new arrivals, it was hard to be Brave. How can I … [Read more...]
Before there was 3, there was 1 (a journey through infertility)
After having three babies in three years, it's hard to believe I was ever once considered to be infertile. But looking back, there I was, walking down the hospital corridor, heading to my procedure, when I looked down at the form the nurse had given me and saw the word INFERTILE. It was like a kick to the stomach really, never having quite thought of myself as that just yet and even looked the form over to make sure it was mine. But indeed it was. Apparently, the medical community considered me … [Read more...]