Eight is Enough!

Well the Lovely Miz Dinah has tagged me in on this and now I have 8 interesting questions to answer for you all, because I always do what I’m told! (right mom?)
So the deal is I answer her questions, then think of 8 of my own (oooh geez) and then tag 8 other blogger buddies to answer them (poor people)

1. Which of your blog posts is your favourite and why?
Life in the Swimming Lane is my favourite post (you can find it here) why? well it makes me laugh thinking about that day and I actually put real thought into writing it, unlike most of my posts lately
2. What’s the most annoying habit you have?
Annoying for me or for someone else? My husband hates that I leave a little bit of whatever I am drinking in the bottom of my glass, every single time I drink something! he teases me every time too. that annoys me. so I guess the habit annoys us both for different reasons.

3. Do you exercise regularly?
ha, funny, next???

4. What is your favourite household chore?
probably laundry and it’s a good thing because I do at least one load almost every single day

5. What’s your sleeping style? A snuggler that needs to be touching another body or a mind-your-own-space-if-you-know-what’s-good-for-you solitary sleeper?
oh that second one for sure, like death will come in your sleep if you are invading my space so back off!

6. What is your favourite flavour of chips?
Sweet Chili Heat Doritos are my fav! but second to that is plain. weird right?

7. Would you rather eat pickled pigs’ feet or lick peanut butter off a hobo’s toe?
both! lol ha! that is funny, I’ll go with the peanut butter toe cause I’m not a pickled kind of gal

8. Can you lick your own elbow and did you actually try or are you just guessing?
Nope can’t do it, I tried and wasn’t even close

Okay, so now 8 peeps to tag to play Eight is Enough!

Jennifer from Life with the Lebedas
Lara from Momma Drama
Deanna from Maple Leaf Mommy
Tracy from The Daily Mom Diaries
Jen from 3 Little Monkeys
Emmi from Mommy’s ‘Free’ Time
High on Craft
Tiffany from Life Requires more Chocolate

Okay 8 questions for you all to answer- It’s fun knowing I don’t have to answer my own questions! lol
Here goes….

1. My 8th Anniversary is coming up. If you are married, how many years has it been and how do you like to celebrate?

2. If I offered you an all-expense paid vacation to anywhere in the world, but only for one day-where would you go? (and for the record, I’m not offering! lol)

3. If you could send a message back in time to your teenage self, what would you say to her?

4. Along the same lines, What advice would you give to your pregnant self about motherhood?

5. Are you living the dream?? Is this what you imagined your life would be like?

6. I’m coming for dinner, what will you make for me?? Any favourite go-to, company’s coming, dishes?

7.What’s your favourite cuss word? lol

8. Tell me one thing you would change about my blog and why?

Okay beautiful bloggers, let’s hear it! can’t wait to read all your answer for Eight is Enough!

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