Recently I posted pictures of one of my favourite places to take the boys to explore, today I thought I would take you on another virtual play date with my boys at another fun location we go to throw rocks into water, watch boats, and scream under bridges to hear our echo! lol come along! … [Read more...]
Virtual Play Date?
Funky Fleece for every season
It didn’t surprise me in the least to learn that the fabulous Funky Fleece company was Canadian. Nobody knows cold like us Canucks and getting cozy under some soft warm fleece is the best cure for it! And while Funky Fleece carries the best in fleece blankets, hats, mitts, ponchos and leg warmers did you know that they carry items for all seasons, even summer? I’ll be honest, in the Mom vs the Boys family we don’t put our fleece away for the warm weather. We love to sneak into … [Read more...]
Adult Essentials Every Day {shesconnected}
I started taking Adult Essentials a number of months back, I was really excited to have discovered them at the ShesConnected conference last fall because I was in the market for a new vitamin. I had been taking a regular kind of multi vitamin that comes in the hard pill formation. For some reason, they just didn't agree with me. A little while after taking one I would start to feel a pain in my chest, similar in a way as heart burn I guess, but mostly it just always felt like the … [Read more...]
Capture Mommy Moments with Johnson’s Baby
Mother's Day is literally around the corner, according to my five year old I am not supposed to know about this because Mother's Day is a surprise! Someone really should tell the calendar makers to quit letting the cat out of the bag! lol Johnson's Baby recognizes moms and encourages us to celebrate moments of joy! Sometimes it's the everyday moments that leave the lasting impressions. The booboo kisses, the good night hugs, the games of hide and go seek when your toddler hides in the exact … [Read more...]
Ivory Canada ~ Pure, Clean, Simple
Ivory stands for all things pure, clean and simple, and wants Canadians to make time for what they want to do, not just what they have to do. As mom's we have a lot on the go between household chores, taking care of the kids and keeping everything running smoothly. I wasn't surprised in the least when I heard that 40 per cent of Canadians lack time in their lives to enjoy what’s most important to them. So what's getting in the way? Ivory surveyed Canadians asking them which tasks make … [Read more...]
The Bear Went Over the Mountain {Giveaway}
Let me introduce you to one of my new favourite books for children - The Bear Went Over the Mountain! Izra Trapani, extends the old classic children's tale into a full out adventure! Starting in the Spring when the bear wakes and emerges from his den, off he goes over the mountain to see what he can see, smell what he can smell, taste what can taste touch what he can touch and hear what he can hear. The story teaches children both about the five senses as well about the changing a seasons. … [Read more...]