Sh*t Mom Blogger’s Say….

oh my gosh you guys, this is hilarious! if you are a mom blogger, you have to get a look at this! I know I am not the only one who is guilty, guilty, guilty of allll of this! lol   … [Read more...]

The Box

You used to hear it all the time before you had kids, then you made your own little mini me's and found out it was true. That no matter what you buy the little ones, they love to play with the box! I thought this was likely a stage for infants only, the box and tissue paper are just so fascinating that they don't care about the toy, but as my boys grew the novelty of a box never wore off. Boys love to play in boxes! Big ones are awesome for making houses and crawling into, small ones are perfect … [Read more...]

I Said No! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping your private parts private!

This can be a difficult topic for parents to bring up, it's not always easy to talk about private parts, let alone the complexity of inappropriate touching. Where do you start? How do you bring it to your child's attention without scaring them? When is the right time? To be honest, it wasn't really even something we started addressing with our boys, but with Big Brother now being five, I knew it was time as soon as I saw it in my inbox. One of those palm to forehead moments, ya know? So … [Read more...]

Get Groovin’ with Kidz Bop 21

My kids came out of the womb ready to rock, seriously, my boys love to dance and get funky, but not to 'baby' music, they want to rock out! Santa knows my boys well, this past Christmas the boys got drums, guitars, a keyboard and a microphone so they are all set to form their own band!! (Santa should have also brought mommy some ear plugs! jus sayin') To give them a little inspiration we received the latest edition to the Kidz Bop line up- Kidz Bop 21! This is some fun and energetic music you … [Read more...]

Chicken Soup for the Soul: O Canada

I was so surprised and excited to see this latest edition of Chicken Soup for the Soul arrive on my doorstep! A book of 101 stories written for Canadians, by Canadians! I just knew I was going to love this one and I do! The stories are heart warming and funny and the quotes are inspirational, like in all Chicken Soup books, but this one is about Canada - my home, my land, my people - ME! You are going to enjoy all the wonderful stories about the friendly Canadian people, the cold winters … [Read more...]

When you tick off a toddler

Little Buddy has been increasingly silly at bedtime, you know, sneaking out of his room, running around the house, turning the tv on in our room for a watch, keeping his brothers up late..... it was getting bad. We tried a few different tactics to tame the beast including removing  a stuffy from his room every time we had to put him back in it. This worked for a little bit but it didn't take long before he would run like a mad man back in there, throw a stuffy out the door and slam it … [Read more...]

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