Coupon Crazy

  okay show of hands, who uses coupons?? In 2011 I think presenting a coupon or two at the counter is pretty commonplace, I get that cashier's probably don't love them because it means extra work for them, but I don't expect them to get all upset over a few coupons. Has Extreme Couponing given every coupon wielding mama a bad name??? I live in Canada, that crap isn't even possible here! So I was pretty surprised last week when I was out grocery shopping and the cashier actually … [Read more...]

Kidorable Makes My Boys Happy with the all new Dragon Knight Collection!

  As a mom to three boys, I know how hard it is to find a company that really 'gets' boys. But Kidorable really does have this mastered and if there was any doubt (there wasn't, trust me) you must check out the all new Dragon Knight line up for rain gear!     Fire breathing dragons with wings, a shield back pack, sword handles, and knight armour.... a collection after my boys' heart for sure! My three little guys love knights and dragons! My two year old was a dragon for … [Read more...]

I See Me! – Personalized Children’s Book

There is truly nothing more special for children than a personalized item, the magic of seeing their name in print is priceless and with I See Me! Books, they get a story all about them! I See Me! has books for girls, boys and even twins. They have stories to mark special occasions and books that are perfect for every day use. Each book has a dedication in the front that is also personalized with their name and birth date and also a little message from the sender. Ours says "Merry Christmas, … [Read more...]

Festive Feet and other Treats

Hello lovelies! how was your weekend? mine was fantastic! We took the boys to the city Santa Claus parade and it was really great, the boys loved it! There was over 80 floats in the parade and they all were fabulous! The boys got some cool candy and even chocolate milk, only in Canada right? handing out milk at a parade! lol The one entry that really touched my heart was the families of fallen soldiers, they wore their loved ones pictures around their necks. :( it was touching. Watching the … [Read more...]

Lysol Prize Pack to Combat Winter Colds!

Pretty much from the first day of school until Spring I hear parents complaining of nasty germs and illness that are taking over their houses. We all go through it, it's the winter inevitable, right? But there are steps we can take to combat the germs and stop the spread of seasonal cold and flu.  Here's this note from the CDC: The very simple activity of frequent hand washing has the potential to save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention. It is one of the most … [Read more...]

Christmas Movies New and Old

We all have our favourites at this time of year, some of us love the old classics and if you are like me you can't wait to see every new holiday movie they come out with! This year you can buy four of your favourite classic Christmas movies in one box set for Blu-Ray. The Original Christmas Classics set features - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, The Little Drummer Boy and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I'm watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with my son … [Read more...]

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