Lysol Prize Pack to Combat Winter Colds!

Pretty much from the first day of school until Spring I hear parents complaining of nasty germs and illness that are taking over their houses. We all go through it, it’s the winter inevitable, right? But there are steps we can take to combat the germs and stop the spread of seasonal cold and flu.
 Here’s this note from the CDC:
The very simple activity of frequent hand washing has the potential to save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention. It is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to prevent illness and pneumonia, which cause more than 3.5 million deaths worldwide in children under the age of 5 every year. Although people around the world clean their hands with water, very few use soap to wash their hands.

The findings from the Lysol HABIT Study indicate the importance of promoting certain hygiene behaviours to break the chain of infection.

a few other bits from the Lysol HABIT Study:

  • The study noted that changes in behaviour may lead to overall better hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing and surface disinfection. These hygiene habits are the first defence against spreading germs and infectious diseases.
  • Based on 12,000 survey respondents in 12 countries, the study found that the biggest determinant of reported good health with low levels of colds and flu was good hygiene practices.
Basically it comes down to good solid hand washing!

A practice that the whole family needs to take seriously in order to keep the household as healthy as possible. It’s hard to do in a house with small children but they are learning along the way and my Husband is especially vigilant at washing his hands as soon as he comes through the door from work.


Lysol wants to help you on your way to a germ free winter! (or at least keep it to a minimum!)
They are offering up a holiday themed basket, including a new Lysol Healthy Touch with holiday skins and other disinfecting products such as a disinfectant spray, wipes, product refills! The perfect holiday combination to battle cold and flu germs this season and a $50 Value!

This giveaway has ended


The products mentioned above were provided free of charge. Regardless, I was not obligated to feature this item and all opinions expressed belong to Mom vs. the Boys and are not influenced in any way.

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