Festive Feet and other Treats

Hello lovelies! how was your weekend? mine was fantastic! We took the boys to the city Santa Claus parade and it was really great, the boys loved it! There was over 80 floats in the parade and they all were fabulous! The boys got some cool candy and even chocolate milk, only in Canada right? handing out milk at a parade! lol The one entry that really touched my heart was the families of fallen soldiers, they wore their loved ones pictures around their necks. 🙁 it was touching. Watching the parades really puts me in the holiday spirit which is hard right now without any snow.

Tricky boys- so yesterday I decide to step on the bathroom scale and much to my horror the number was was pretty big. I hadn’t weighed myself in a while and I knew I had eaten far too much Halloween candy, but really? REALLY???? that was pretty depressing. This morning before getting in the shower I decided to weigh in again. Maybe, just maybe, I was wearing really heavy clothes yesterday lol but that’s when I saw it! the scale wasn’t set at 0, it was set at 10!! the boys must have been playing around with it and moved the dial, it’s an old school scale, not a digi one. So all is well in the weight department again and the panic was short lived! Still I should probably hit the elliptical more than once every 6 months! lol

Okay onto the toes!!

Check out  my festive holiday polish!

it’s a little bit hard to see in the picture, but it has nice dark red base and a sparkly green crackle outer coat! They are super funky!
Have you used any of the crackle polishes yet? I had one arrive in a Luxe Box by LooseButton and it’s been really fun to play around with.
Here’s the line up:

* Sally Hansen nail bonding shield- you should always use a base coat, but especially with a dark colour like the red.
* Revlon Blackberry- my fav red shade!
* China Glaze Oxidized Aqua- this is sooo shimmery
* Barielle Ultra Speed Dry Manicure Extender- must have! love the glossy shine too

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