Post Weekend Wrap Up

This past weekend for us Canadians was a long weekend, due to Family Day being yesterday. It's a new holiday they just came up with about 3 years ago, apparently going from Christmas to Easter was just too long of a wait for a long weekend- and who can argue with that!!! And so began Family Day, which is nothing more than an excuse for a long weekend to spend with your family! lolMy parents came up this weekend for a visit, they only come about once or twice a year (except last year because … [Read more...]

The Middle Place

"The Middle Place is about calling home. Instinctively. Even when all the paperwork- a marriage license, a notarized deed, two birth certificates, and even seven years of tax returns- clearly indicates your an adult, but all the same, there you are, clutching the phone and thanking God that you're still somebody's daughter" The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan     There's a time in life when you are not only a child, but you have a child. You are not only have a parent, you become a … [Read more...]

Valentine’s Day at our house

  First of all a little Valentine's love shout out to all of you- my followers! I see your little faces there on the right every single day and I'm so glad you visit, comment and follow my blog! I appreciate the support and knowing the time it takes to do the 'blog circuit' every day I appreciate that you take the time to pop over to my world and check in on lil' ole' me! Thank you!   Normally a Valentine's Day at our house would consist of Hubby going to work and coming home … [Read more...]

We gonna party like it’s yo birthday !

34 today and feeling Fabulous   err....Frumpy???I really want to say Fabulous, doesn't that sound fun? 34 and feeling fabulous? If I was honest though, I would say I'm really feeling tired and cranky! lol That's not good! Which brings me to my Big Birthday Wish, I hope the God's are listening! I've been throwing it out there to the universe 'the secret' style for months now, I've dropped subtle hints, I've even begged and pleaded, and told anyone who will listen- My Big Birthday Wish … [Read more...]

Birthday celebration #2

  It was actually the end of January when I travelled back home to have a birthday dinner and shopping day with my BFF, it was great, a few hours of shopping, an excellent chat and dinner at Appleby's with a lovely Mucho sized lime daquiri!!! perfect! Last night 3 of my favourite ladies from my home town took me out for a birthday dinner and movie! yay! so much fun! We had dinner at Boston Pizza, a yummy dessert, and then headed to the theatre to see 'Dear John'. Yummy again … [Read more...]

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

  The sweet smell of baking Banana Bread is a common occurrence around my house, it's one of our favourite snacks! My boys can go through phases with bananas, sometimes they mow down a couple of bananas a day and other times they won't eat them at all, so when our bananas start to turn black I just go ahead and use them up by making banana bread. This was the case for us last week so I thought I would share our favourite recipe with you.   Chocolate Chip Banana … [Read more...]

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