The Middle Place

“The Middle Place is about calling home. Instinctively. Even when all the paperwork- a marriage license, a notarized deed, two birth certificates, and even seven years of tax returns- clearly indicates your an adult, but all the same, there you are, clutching the phone and thanking God that you’re still somebody’s daughter”

The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan



There’s a time in life when you are not only a child, but you have a child. You are not only have a parent, you become a parent. It’s a pivotal point in life I think.  Did anyone else have a moment when their first child was born, probably in the first couple of months, during a sleep deprived fog, when you’re rocking your sweet, tiny, beautiful baby to sleep and think ‘Could my parents have loved me this much?’ It honestly didn’t seem possible.

There’s a shift in life when you move out of your parents house and start a family of your own. I didn’t notice it at first, but rather over time- when you start to worry about your parents instead of just thinking they are worrying about you. When you start to notice they are getting older, when you feel a need to protect them like they have always protected you in the past. Does anyone else feel like this?

My Dad was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and in a few short weeks will be having surgery to have his prostate removed. He’s scared. Of course he’s scared. But at the same time it’s so hard to see your Dad so vulnerable. I want to protect him now. Something has flipped.

I’ve always been a classic case of Daddy’s Little Girl, We’ve always been close. Growing up he fondly called me ‘Miss Jennifer’ like I was something to be held in the highest regard, like I mattered, like I was a princess. He’s always had a soft spot for little girls and I’ve probably failed miserably by having three boys. Each pregnancy he wasn’t exactly shy about vocally hoping for a granddaughter. So aside from the guilt of never being able to fulfill the granddaughter gift I still like to think that it’s pretty special being Daddy’s Only Little Girl!

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