Post Weekend Wrap Up

This past weekend for us Canadians was a long weekend, due to Family Day being yesterday. It’s a new holiday they just came up with about 3 years ago, apparently going from Christmas to Easter was just too long of a wait for a long weekend- and who can argue with that!!! And so began Family Day, which is nothing more than an excuse for a long weekend to spend with your family! lol
My parents came up this weekend for a visit, they only come about once or twice a year (except last year because Little Buddy was born and for the first time ever my mom came for about 5 days) so it has been awhile since they were here. We recently got close to finishing our basement renovation so they got to check that out and liked it. My birthday prezzie this year was the Wilton course one cake decorating kit. I was asking for almost all the stuff in it anyway so Mom just got me the kit in case I ever take the course, and if I don’t, all the stuff is useful anyway. My brother’s family sent along a gift card to Michaels so now I have to decide on baking stuff or crafting stuff- always a hard choice! lol
Valentine’s Day was Sunday and the boys and I gave Daddy our cards we made Friday morning, he gave me roses and even came through and got my engagement ring fixed and polished because it was broken since the summer! so happy to have my ring back! The boys loved all the treats and fun heart straws.
Monday was the Family Day, but we didn’t do much because the boys woke up feeling sick. Big Brother kept telling us he wasn’t feeling good and only wanted to snuggle on the couch. We played a few rounds of Hungry Hungry Hippo though.
We got word over the weekend that my Mother in Law who was doing so much better when we saw her last has slipped backwards quite a bit and is back in the ICU. We are sad and confused by the news.


  1. Natasha and Lee says

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