Mixed Berry Protein Shake

So apparently February is the new spring? Yesterday was over 10 degrees and sunny outside so our backyard is a swamp with melting snow. I've given the puppy a bath about 5 times so far in the last 24 hours, shoot me! I can't handle spring, but I know winter will be back in a couple days and I'll be shivering in the ice and snow once again. That's just life in Canada right Canucks? We were raised to complain about the weather! lol One thing that makes my mind race right past spring and … [Read more...]

When the gap is small

My third boy was born just shy of his older brothers first birthday. For four days I had two under one but at totally different stages. Their older brother had turned three just one week before. While I did hope to have kids fairly close in age, I never intended to have them all THAT close together, but that's how our story went. After years of being told I was infertile, we had our boys back, to back, to back.  Holy cow, it's a mini me! Raising babies together at different stages is tough. … [Read more...]

Mulled Wine

  Wine is fine any day of the year, but during these cold winter months it's so comforting to sip on a warm beverage. Deanna from Maple Leaf Mommy has found a way to marry the two with this warm mulled wine recipe that makes the whole house smell inviting. I've invited her over today to share more about her Mulled Wine recipe with you!      Mulled wine is the perfect winter time drink. It's warm, it smells divine, and it makes you feel all toasty inside. This … [Read more...]

Pizz-Oma-Dilla Recipe + Egg trivia

Let's play a game! I'll give you a common thought on eggs, and you tell me if you think it's fact or fiction! Ready?????? 1. Double yolk eggs, real or something only unicorns eat? Have you ever seen one? It's a definite fact and the last time I was visiting my parents they told me that they had a carton of eggs recently and almost every egg was a 'double yolker'! They were amazed and my husband was a wee bit jealous, he eats A LOT  of eggs and has never found one. While they may be a … [Read more...]

Garnier Whole Blends

In the weeks leading up to the holidays I found myself running in all directions, there was so much to get done and it felt like it all fell on my shoulders. Sure enough, just as the kids were finishing their last day of school and my husband was coming home from his last day of the year, I got sick. Spending my first week of vacation curled up in bed was not how I had envisioned my holidays, but it taught me that I need to make time for me.  If I don't take care of myself,  I won't be able to … [Read more...]

My #1 Tip for Potty Training Boys

Well it's no secret that I am a boymom to 3, but what you may not know is I was an early childhood educator for many years as well. My favourite age group to teach was the Toddlers for their curiousity, emerging personalities and eagerness to please, but working with toddlers also meant always, always, always being in the throws of potty training. It's safe to say that I've trained my fair share of little boys in my life time.  This is a little trick I picked up on my very first college work … [Read more...]

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