Random Acts of Graffiti

After a full day of running errands, I arrived at my last store with a full bladder and dashed into the ladies room before tackling the biggest shop of the day. When I went to lock my stall, I noticed this little gem of graffiti right beside the handle   huh, wow. Well the day wasn't even going that badly, but thanks for the pee break pep talk stranger! When I turned to get myself some T.P. I found more Holy cow, these vandals are pretty nice, I'm smiling already. … [Read more...]

Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family

I'll admit I wasn't always interested in the royal family, my mother in law used to have shelves lined with books on the subject and I never saw the fascination. That all changed when the hubs and I picked up watching The Tudors on Netflix a few years back. If you've never seen the show, let's just say it was sexy and fascinating with many affairs to be had and beheadings to squirm over! I was sad that the series ended and couldn't help but wonder what happened next, it didn't take long before I … [Read more...]

On being Canadian

    Yesterday marked the anniversary of Corporal Nathan Cirillo's death. The 24-year-old soldier was gunned down last year during an attack on Parliament Hill as he stood guarding the National War Memorial in Ottawa. At the service we watched as outgoing Prime Minister Stephen Harper and prime minister-elect Justin Trudeau sat side by side with their wives, rising together to lay a single wreath at the foot of the memorial. It was a big moment for Canada. Just days after a … [Read more...]

Super Silky 2-Ingredient Homemade Playdough

Homemade Play Dough using only 2 ingredients! The boys and I have made homemade play dough before, but this was by far the fastest and easiest play dough we've ever whipped up. I love that it's a no cook recipe and doesn't even use hot water like many others, it actually only had two ingredients and can be made in just minutes! Follow along and I'll show you how it's done! 2 Ingredient Homemade Play Dough   What You'll Need 2 cups cornstarch 1 cup conditioner, any … [Read more...]

Family Game Night with Mattel!

Between the start of school, fall sports and Halloween celebrations under way, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the fall season. Don't forget to carve out some time to connect with the family, when you aren't carving pumpkins of course! Fall is the perfect time to curl up indoors after a long day out apple picking with the family! Pour everyone a cup of hot chocolate, grab a blankie and gather in the living room for game night!   Start Traditions. … [Read more...]

Meta Fibre Bars

Did you know that a healthy diet includes 25-38 grams of fibre a day? Any idea how much fibre you're getting? Well, on average Canadians only consumer 14 grams of fibre per day so it's probably safe to say that we aren't getting enough!  Meta Fibre Bars are a new snack to hit store shelves that will help you boost your daily fibre intake and taste great too! Meta Fibre Bars contain 100% naturally sourced psyllium fibre, the same fibre in Metamucil®. It helps boost daily fibre intake … [Read more...]

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