Stuck in the the Middle Place

Thanks to those of you who read and responded to my first post of The Middle Place, which was about my dad. Today it’s about my mother in law who I have mentioned in a few previous posts. She has been in the hospital since early October and while she was starting to do really well, has taken a turn for the worse over the weekend and is on a steady decline. It makes me feel really old to think we are going through this right now. I really didn’t imagine having to lose a parent for many years to come. While we hope and pray for the best, we are preparing ourselves for the worst. I can’t imagine a life without our parents, who have always been there with us, through our birth, infancy, childhood and adulthood. Who saw us off on our wedding day and who cried when we made them grandparents. My mother in law, adores her grandchildren. It’s fun to see your parents with your children and imagine what they were like when you were that age. Probably way more stressed out! The joys of being a grandparent and not the parent! I look way into the future and I can’t bear the thought of being parted from my own children, even if they are grown men. I can’t stand the thought of hurting them like that. I know it all has to happen, it’s the circle of life, none of us get out alive right? but it’s really an unbearable thought. Mom’s are a pretty important piece of the family puzzle.
I am a pretty positive person, fairly upbeat, so I debated on whether or not to even post about our troubles, but in the end I decided it’s my blog and it would help me to get things out. Plus it gives you a chance to get to know me better. And finally, if I go MIA in the next little while, you will know and understand that it is likely due to this situation.


“Faith isn’t faith until it’s all you’re holding on to”


  1. The Girl Next Door Grows Up says
  2. Natasha and Lee says

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