A Spring Gardening Craft for Kids!
Meet Hairy #1 and Hairy #2
We’ve never been much for creativity with names in our family and there are more than a few doubles, so it shouldn’t matter that these little guys have the same name! lol
Not looking so hairy???? Don’t worry they will, pretty soon they will be sporting a spiky green do, in fact, it’s already on the way!
This is a great activity for Earth Week, the environment, science, art….it’s an all arounder! lol
Spring Gardening Craft for Kids
Start with an empty, but clean baby food jar, any size
Let the kids choose craft items to make a face – we used googly eyes, sparkle glue and a pompom nose for one, a bead for the other. (pipe cleaner makes a great smile, be creative with the supplies you have!)
Anything flat and light will be able to stick with regular white glue, but heavier or hard things like that bead nose needed the help of the glue gun.
I stick the jars on a blob of playdough to hold them on their backs without rolling around until the glue has a chance to dry
Head to the garden and fill the jars up with dirt
Add a little grass seed to the top and water
Care for the little Hairy characters with water and sunlight and watch their hair grow!!!
So much fun!!!
The playdough helps the jars stay put while you work.
Just wait until Hairy’s hair gets too long and then you can give him his very first hair cut with a pair of scissors and watch it grow back again!
Here’s the Hairy twins with a full head of hair and in need of cut, view their first hair cut experience right HERE
Nice hair Hairy!
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Looking for another creative gardening activity that actually tastes great too? Check out our Carrot Patch Pudding Cups!
Let laughter bloom with our Spring & Gardening Jokes for Kids!
Go on a Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt!
What a fun activity. I need to try this, my toddler would love it.
Thanks for linking up on Artsy Play Wednesday. Pinned.
those are so cute…I am sure my boys would love it, awesome idea!
Too cute!!! We’re doing a similar Earth Day science project at home, but with alfalfa sprouts and mung bean sprouts…Just so we can eat the finished product! LOL! Love how adorable your hairy dudes are! What a great idea!
My boys would love these! Definitely going to make them
How long did it take to see sprouts after you planted the seeds?
not long at all, grass grows really fast!
I think this is just the cutest idea. Gonna do this for our kids church on Wednesday night. They will love it and will be so excited to see it next Wednesday night when we come back.
Also, what kind of grass seed did you use??
Just regular grass seed that you would put on your lawn
Too cute!
How cute are these? I loved that you named them “Hairy” 1 and 2.
Thanks I love it,going to do this with the kids
I getting the grandkids to do this next time they visit !!
These look ever so cute, love them and no doubt kids would have fun with this project for weeks to come.
OMG This is so funny and cool all once. This sort of reminds me of the Chia pet.
Love it, especially happy about the tip of using Playdough to keep jar from rolling!!
Love it! I’m going to do this with my grade 1 science class!!
What a super cute idea! I think I must try this craft just for fun and to gift them to my littl granddaughters!