6 month Blogoversary!

style="text-align: center;">yeah can you believe it? 6 months!  actually over 6 months, I just didn’t realize it came and went until the other day. I started blogging in January about mid January I think. It was the dead of winter, I had a 3 year old, a one year old and a 7 month old on my hands and just a little stir crazy! Every thing I did, was for someone else. I had no idea what a blog was, but I came across one while I was looking for something else and I became curious. I had heard of them before but was never interested and this time I decided to find out all about them by starting my own the very next day. I learn best but jumping in with both feet!
and here we are, a few months later and a blogger! lol
time flies! and I’ve come along way baby! I’ve figured stuff out and designed my own blog with many changes along the way. I’ve picked up a bit of twitter lingo and started a facebook page. It keeps me busy, it gives me a little hobby of my own and it’s fun! Can’t wait until my one year blogoversary! now that will be something! 🙂

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