Letting Go…..

My blonde hair, blue eyed beauty, how did you get to be four already??  Just yesterday you made your grand entrance into the world and our hearts and now we prepare you for school. I know you are ready, but am I?
I’ve held your hand and stayed by your side every moment we’ve had together, to send you off into the big wide world without me is unimaginable!
So this summer, we soak up the sun, we laugh, we play, we live and I watch you. I watch you more closely than ever before and I really see you. I see the beginnings of freckles play on your cheeks, I see energy that can fly you to the moon, I see curiosity that I can only hope leads you to great places.
I see you think, I see you learn, I see you love.
You are going on a great adventure buddy, I can’t wait to hear all about it, but I’ll miss you…..

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