M&M’s Pretzel Chocolate Candies

Guess what was released on Monday????? 

M&M’s brand spankin’ new flavour and I got to try it! yay! I never pass up a chance to try out anything chocolate, especially from the makers of M&M!
Are you a fan of the salty/sweet combo? These new M&M Pretzels would be for you! They look like a M&M peanut only a little bigger. The same yummy chocolate, the same crunchy candy coating but the center is a tiny pretzel ball!
And the verdict? YUM! at first I found it hard to get past the fact that there was not a peanut in there, But by bag #2 I was over it and embraced the pretzel!
The kids give them two thumbs up! they are chocoholics at heart and can’t resist anything chocolate or candy coated for that matter!
The Hubster said they were a little dry and he’s right, but again, I think it stems from expecting the peanut.
Check a store for them near you!
Check out the M&M Facebook Page or Follow along with Ms. Green M&M on Twitter

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