School Daze

So Big Brother started school not quite a month ago and considering he only goes every other day, it really hasn’t been too many days at all.
Part of me loves sending him to school and part of me wants to consider homeschooling! Seriously!

Let’s start with the Good stuff shall we??

Big Brother loves school! He started out rocky, but a few weeks in and I think we are on the right track! He got a timeout on both his first and his second day of school! lol That’s my boy! Way to set a good first impression!
He also had nightmares every school night for the first week, but they are long gone.
The hardest part of all was that he backtracked and started pooping in his pants. He’s been potty trained for months and while he would tell us he loved school, he must have been stressed out about it all because he continued to poop his pants every day for weeks! Ugh!
And this is the good part???
Okay, He really does like school and I can tell he is learning new things every day. Yeah! I also like the time with the other boys at home. We go shopping, take walks, bake and play with a slightly calmer ratio of 2:1- Middle Man soaks up the attention.
Big Brother actually put his hand in the air to ask me a question the other day and told his brothers to line up at the door when we were headed out for a walk last night! cute!

Here’s the Bad

On Big Brother’s 4th day of school he did not get off the bus! EEK! I was standing just down the road from the stop waiting for him and watched the bus drive away without my son getting off! Where was he??? I ran for home and immediatly called the school. At the same time a quick thinking neighbour had noticed me running with no Big Brother and came to my rescue. They knew where the next stop was and chased the bus in their car. The school assured me that they put Big Bro on the bus, so now I just had to get him off! He came home to me quickly, but let me tell you it seemed like forever as I stood waiting for him on our porch. Fortunatly, he didn’t even know the bus driver forgot about him and didn’t recognize his stop so my worries of him crying and scared were for nothing but my worries that my son was missing left me shaken.

Now yesterday. I get a phone call in the morning about 45 minutes after school had started asking me about Big Brother’s absence from school. Huh??? I let the lady know that I sent him to school! She asks me if he could have missed the bus, I tell her no. And she puts me on hold!! Not a word, I get put on hold!
My mind is racing and so were my feet- out the door and to the street to look down to the bus stop. nothing. I wait and wait. Finally she comes back on the line and tells me that my son is not at the school! WTF???
I ask her a million panicked questions and she says she’ll call me back.
Not knowing what else to do, I run to my neighbours house to see if they know anything because their kids walk Big Brother to the bus stop. I knocked a couple of times with no answer and start to head back for home.
(the little boys are still at home eating breakfast at this point and I am standing in my neighbours driveway with wet hair and slippers, it’s by the grace of God that I wasn’t in my pajamas!)
My phone that I am still holding in my hand rings again and it’s the school. They have him. The explanation-He was there the whole time, they just didn’t see him.
Really?? They looked for him once, marked him absent. Called me, looked again and confirmed he was not there. Looked a third time and finally noticed him??
I know he’s small, but is he invisable??
For the 45 minutes he was there, not one adult noticed him? Who’s responsible for my child? They even travelled from his classroom to the library and wasn’t aware that he came along. Yikes! 
I have to seriously question their ability to keep him safe at this point!
On the plus side, they went on a walking field trip that day and they didn’t lose him! He returned to school and to me at the end of the day!

I guess it can only get better from here! So far, school has been more traumatic for Mama than it has been for Big Brother, but hey, I’m not pooping in my pants!…..yet!

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