An Angry Birds Addiction


The other night around 10:30pm my husband and I turned off our bedroom tv and settled in for sleep. As I was lying in the dark I could hear a faint noise somewhere in the house. I laid still and listened. Weird little far off squawking noises. hmm….I listened some more and started to recognize the familiar patterns and tune to the chirps and squawks.’t

I sprang out of bed. Both of the boys bedrooms doors were closed tight. no noise.
I headed for downstairs when I heard it again and stopped to listen. I saw the dog laying at the bottom of the stairs, lift her head in a sleepy way, telling me no one had come that way in awhile so I went back up.
I opened our little guy’s door and at a quick glance his bed was empty grrrrrr……..
I swiftly turned to leave on a house hunt when a light caught my eye, a glowing from the closet, and there he was. Hiding behind his chair and half in the closet, with the tablet, playing a rousing game of Angry Birds!!!

Now this is the problem. My boys can get obsessed with Angry Birds, so we often have to hide the tablet to give them a chance to decompress.
They would play it all day long and fights ensue and Mom and Dad get angry (like the birds apparently) and end up hiding the device because these little monkeys will climb to any height to get their hands on it. Literally. They are junkies.

In this case, my two year old snuck out of bed, stealthily crept downstairs, in the dark no less and climbed a bookshelf to get the tablet off of the top of the hutch. Then tip-toed back upstairs unheard and hid in his closet to get his fix!! Unbelievable!! He’s two!!!

and Angry Birds has gone back into hiding…..


  1. And this right here is the reason we have our alarm system on the boys room. It chimes on the key pads, and wakes us up, or alerts us to naughty boys. They try to go to the bathroom, and start yelling “I have to go peeeeeeeee!!!” LOL

  2. Bwa ha ha! This is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard! Our oldest is like this too, not just with Angry Birds but with any type of video game! He’s now been limited to one day a week and the difference in his attitude is incredible. Seriously, what is it that gets kids SO riled up about games?

  3. TOO FUNNY!! My guys are addicted too, they love wearing their Angry Bird t-shirts to school and have Angry Bird slap bracelets, they are better at the game than hubby and I are!!

  4. bahahahaha that’s hilarious and yet so naughty!!

  5. I have a video game addict in my house. I often hide the controllers, cords etc

  6. haha! I don’t know – I think my future children may be worse because I’m a game addict. Most recent addictions are smack gugi and no zombies allowed – my friend was dying laughing last weekend because she says my face gets indescribably serious when I’m trying to kill off the cute little zombies. Angry birds had me for quite a while though, but I finished the free version and I am too cheap to buy the full version 😛

  7. Brandy @insanemamacita says

    Aww, that is too cute. Thankfully our 2 year old is still in a crib. He would definitely be getting into trouble if he were allowed to roam.

  8. LOL wow what a sneaky little guy!! Perhaps it should be hidden under your pillow at night lol

  9. OMG, too cute… my LO would do the same if she could. Kids get addicted so easily…

  10. Two?? Oh my goodness. That is priceless. And frustrating. And familiar 😉

  11. HAHA! I can totally relate :/ LOL! Our 3 year old has the same issue. It first started with my husband, who was addicted to Angry Birds and then with me. I eventually lost the interest, but Little One is obsessed. When we were in the Philippines, there was all kinds of Angry Birds items (from t-shirts, shoes, plushies, and pillows) and she wanted it all! Eeek!

  12. wow- super sneaky! didn’t fool those Momma ears though!

  13. Oh my goodness, what a story! That’s moxy right there, I like your sons style. 😉 HA! Watch out for that little guy, he is a smart cookie. My students (age 7) are really obsessed with all things iPad, oh my!

  14. LOL Sneaky little monkey!

  15. Haha! I’ve had to hide my tablet from my 3y/o for this very reason… She’s Angry Birds obsessed.

  16. Oh, don’t even get me started on Angry Birds…

  17. Hahahahahahaha! That is TOO funny Jen!

  18. Well at least you know that he’s…………… resourceful??

  19. Jen, I feel your pain! We have the exact same problem in this house. My son cannot stop playing this game, it’s become an obsession! The only thing I can do to get him off of it, is to let him play MarioKart on the Wii, LOL! Good Luck!

    • momvsboys says

      yes, that’s the thing, when the tablet is in hiding they just run to the basement to play the playstation. sigh….

  20. Lisa Marie says

    My boys are gaming junkies too. They come by it honestly – my hubby and I are the gamers.

    BTW, can you ask him how to beat The Mighty Hoax level 36? I’m stuck.

  21. That’s hilarious.
    My DH is a gamer, and I have no idea what that is going to mean for our kids, but I’m scared…very scared.

  22. top awesome game

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