Defining Boyhood: Baby Toys for Christmas 2012

Christmas is right around the corner. If you’re like me, chances are you still have a long way to go with your shopping. That’s okay; there’s still time. However, you may be stressing out if you’re hoping to find just the right toys for your baby boy this year. We want toys for our little ones that teach them, encourage their development and that are safe.

Here’s a list of some of this year’s best baby toys for boys.


Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Fun With Friends Musical Table

Your baby will love this toy because it’s made to grow with him. You can use it as a floor toy, then add legs to make it adaptable as your baby begins to stand. Light-up activities will have your little guy’s attention and encourage him to move around the table as he becomes mobile. This toy also teaches important firsts like words, numbers, shapes and greetings. It offers features that focus on various aspects of infant to toddler development.

Playskool Rocktivity Walk n’ Roll Rider

This toy is designed to help your baby when he’s on the verge of toddling. It’s a sit-on cycle type toy that allows your baby to get a feel for using his legs while remaining steady and safe on its wide seat and five-wheeled base. This toy allows your baby to have a blast while walking or riding. He’ll think he’s got a real little cycle.

Imaginarium 5-Way Giant Bead Maze Cube

This learning toy offers a twist to the classic abacus toys of years past. It offers five sides with different fun activities on each, tempting baby with bright colors and lots of things to do. Activities include an abacus, dry-erase board with four magnets, a tracking maze and a xylophone with two mallets.

Vtech Rhyme and Discover Book

This is an electronic “book” that reads stories to your little guy, but also allows him to explore various activities and gadgets. The lights are engaging, and the music is entertaining. The recommended age for this toy is from 6 to 18 months, but this is one of those fun toys that often becomes one of baby’s favorites and can grow with him well into toddlerhood.

These are just a few of the best toys out there for baby this year. The great thing about them is that they can grow with your child. So you’ll get more for your money, and he’ll get endless hours of fun and learning.

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