Winter Skin Needs Eucerin!

When the weather outside is frightful, it plays a toll on our skin! I tend to have very dry skin and there is not a day go by that I don’t lather up my legs, face and hands. Unfortunately my middle son has inherited this same type of skin and since he was a baby he’s had trouble spots in the dry winter months. He tends to develop nasty red circles that are troublesome and very difficult to remove, it takes daily lotion applications with a quality product to keep the redness down and prevent spreading larger on the skin. Not just any lotion will do, but we have been really good results this year using Eucerin!


Middle Man is an extreme case so we use the Professional Repair for Extremely Dry Skin on him, but most people will get by using any of the other wonderful products on regular dry winter skin. 

Eucerin Smoothing Repair Dry Skin Lotion is a good choice to battle dry skin! 

Repair dry, dull skin with a lotion specially formulated to repair and provide long lasting moisture.

This unique, fast absorbing lotion combines 
Ceramide-3, skin’s own moisturizers, and Gluco-Glycerol to improve the condition of skin and fight dryness at the source.

  • Dermatologist recommended
  • Provides intense moisture for skin that looks and feels immediately hydrated
  • Strengthens the skin’s barrier to lock in moisture
  • Improves moisture reserves to help prevent dryness from recurring for healthy looking skin
  • Fast absorbing, non-greasy

Sunburn Alert:
This product contains alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which may increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun, so you may want to leave this one at home if you are traveling South for a sunny get away! 

Ready to go head to head with your dry skin? Enter below to win two bottles (16.9floz) of Eucerin Smoothing Repair Lotion!
2 Winners!

this giveaway has ended

The products mentioned above were provided free of charge. Regardless, I was not obligated to feature this item and all opinions expressed belong to Mom vs. the Boys and are not influenced in any way.


  1. my legs!

  2. Jennifer Morse says

    My hands and feet are like sandpaper right now 🙁

  3. My hands. Ugh.

  4. Lee Pearson says

    I have dry skin in general, but my hands are the driest. I put moisturizers on at least six to seven times a day on my hands. I have to wear latex gloves at work and for some reason my hands get extremely irritated because of these gloves. I have dry patches on the back of my hands and really need a good quality moisturizer. Thanks for this nice giveaway.

  5. Brianne Hager says

    I get dry skin the most on my hands, they crack and bleed.

  6. My hands and elbows

  7. Kayleen Considine says

    My legs, arms and hands get dry the most.

  8. My arms and elbows during the winter months are the worse.

  9. My elbows and right upper arm

  10. my hands

  11. Anne Taylor says

    My hands and my face

  12. sandra mitchell says

    my heels and shins

  13. most places but mainly my back

  14. Christy Martin says

    My hands and my legs. Odd, this winter I have been itchy, but less dry in appearance.

  15. My hands are the worst, cracked and dry.

  16. my feet

  17. My hands are always dry. I’m a nurse and I’m hand washing constantly. My poor skin takes a beating.

  18. Michelle Chow says

    Hello,; thank you for this giveaway. The place I get dry skin the most is my legs likely caused by shaving them.

  19. Maegan Morin says

    My feet get the worse dry skin and then its my hands and elbows

  20. My hands and knees

  21. Pamela Fontaine says

    In the Winter, my hands get so dry the skin cracks.

  22. hands are the worst

  23. Carol Denny says

    My hands feel like sandpaper if I dom’t put cream on

  24. Belinda McNabb says

    My elbows

  25. Heather Wone says

    My knuckles!

  26. my feet, especially heels

  27. Christine D says

    On my elbows and calves. 🙁

  28. my hands, feet and elbows..

  29. My feet!

  30. Karla Sceviour says

    My hands,especially in the winter!

  31. I get dry skin on my hands.

  32. My hands are so dry!

  33. My legs, hands, back, and face all get dry. I go through a lot of lotion to prevent this.

  34. I get dry skin on my hands (from washing) and on the sides of my thighs

  35. my hands are the worst – always dry and cracked (sometimes to the point where they actually bleed – nice, huh?!)

  36. My hands, face and feet seem to dry out the most during the winter months!

  37. Dawn-Addicted to Recipes says

    My hands 🙁

  38. My hands are the worst.

  39. My heels are my problem skin area.

  40. Hands are bad 🙁 But if I keep on top of it I am ok

  41. soha molina says

    my legs

  42. Jennifer Boehme says

    I’m diabetic and my elbows are so dry they crack and get infected. It helps to put this lotion on twice a day like doc said.

  43. Victoria Ess says

    My elbows

  44. My hands

  45. My hands!

  46. My hands

  47. Tracey Miller says

    My feet.

  48. My hands and legs.

  49. hands and feet

  50. My arms, elbows, legs and knees!

  51. My legs!

  52. My legs, arms, and hands get very dry. I know my boyfriend gets really dry feet, hands, and arms too, so we need some lotion!

  53. lisa bolduc says

    my hands

  54. My work is such a dry place – my hands and fingers crack severely.

  55. My hands are by far the worst for dryness. I deliver newspapers and and cant wear gloves because then I have no grip. My hands take a beating through the winter and split and crack and bleed at every crease on my hand and finger tips.

  56. Elbows and the back of my legs 🙂

  57. My elbows and my feet (heels)!

  58. Fanterra Fisher says

    My hands hurt sometimes they get so dry.

  59. My hands

  60. Head and shoulder’s Knees and toes, knees and toes, eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Oh and back and legs 🙂

  61. My elbows.

  62. I get dry skin the most on my nose, back and feet.

  63. My knees and feet are the driest.

  64. Elva Roberts says

    January 9-My problems areas for dry skin are my back and my hands

  65. Caroline M. says

    legs and elbows

  66. Cheryl Chervitz says

    I get dry legs and hands the most.

  67. My feet and elbows suffer the most.

  68. debbie jackson says

    elbows and feet debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  69. SueSueper Sue says

    My hands and feet!!

  70. Louise Gilbert says

    on my feet and legs

  71. Dagmara Hawkins says

    My hands

  72. Hands!

  73. My hands – they have been cracking this winter!

  74. Jeannette Laframboise says

    My hands…as a community nurse I wash my hands so many times per day that I lose count. They end up so dry and cracked they bleed at times.

  75. My elbow get super dry

  76. my feet

  77. Tammy Dalley says

    I get dry skin in the winter months especially on my hands!!!

  78. Nicole Wallace says

    My Hands

  79. Caitlin McClure says

    Feet, hands, legs, arms, umm everywhere

  80. Mary Yaroscavitch says

    my legs 🙂 And Elbows!

  81. my hands

  82. It would be for my boys who have dry skin – one has ezcema on the hands and the other has dry skin overall.

  83. Jennifer Abbott says

    My elbows, hands and heels of feet needs the most moisturizing.

  84. Teresa McKerracher says

    My hands and feet are very dry. In the winter my face and arms get so dry that it hurts!

  85. Jennifer L. says

    My hands

  86. my hands and feet

  87. In the winter!

  88. My hands.

  89. EMMA L HORTON says


  90. holly messana says

    my hands

  91. hands

  92. I usually dry out first in the hands, and then usually my calfs.

  93. all over on the body and face too

  94. my feet are the most dry

  95. get dry skin the most on my hands

  96. Stephanie V. says

    hands and feet (but really all over)

  97. On my upper arms.

  98. hands, elbows, forearms, and calves

  99. Christine Uniejewski says

    My hands and feet

  100. I get dry skin everywhere! Living in Calgary (one of the driest places in Canada), my skin is constrantly put through the gaunlet of cold and dry… Especially on my ankles, knees, elbows and face.

  101. legs

  102. Alison Braidwood says

    On my face and heels

  103. Brenda Penton says

    My feet

  104. hands

  105. everywhere unfortunately 🙁

  106. Juliee Fitze says

    on my legs is the worst dry skin

  107. Linda Lansford says

    on my legs

  108. My hands

  109. Cathy Cathy says

    My face gets very dry and is sensitive especially in the winter

  110. bina edwards says

    hands, they get so bad that my fingers will crack and bleed

  111. my hands and heels

  112. hands and feet

  113. My hands are the worst.

  114. my shins

  115. jessica edwards says

    my legs

  116. My feet and elbow are dry. And so are my hands.

  117. Elbows and hands

  118. My hands and hips!

  119. Everywhere but my face is the worst!

  120. sandyandcosmo says

    My hands get really dry in the wintertime.

  121. misses giveaways says

    my hands

  122. julie_bolduc says


  123. Patricia Wojnar Crowley says

    My hands!

  124. My face, hands, knees and elbows

  125. Katie Contests says

    My hands get very dry!

  126. My hands for sure!

  127. My hands get so very dry after repeated washings with diaper duty all day!

    Thanks for the chance to win!


    ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com

  128. My whole body. My hands the worst though.

  129. My hands and lips.

  130. elbows, hands and my face

  131. My legs get terribly dry in winter, but the my feet are the most dry and I have to resort to use something that looks like a cheese grater to remove the tough skin! Lol.

  132. My hands and feet!

  133. cathy henatyszen says

    on my hands, feet and elbows

  134. Without a doubt my feet and I am a diabetic and can’t afford to have them dry and crack they must stay moist and in good shape so I could use all the help I can get!! If they get cracked and infected I am in serious touble!

  135. Elbows!

  136. jorie rogers says

    My legs are the dryest.

  137. On the backs of my arms and the front of my legs. I suffer from Keratosis Pilaris 🙁 I would love to try this out!

  138. My legs and feet get really dry in winter!

  139. patti contest says

    acccross my cheeks

  140. Diana Amorim says

    Awesome giveway!!

  141. My hands and heels have the worst dry skin. Thanks

  142. sheryl cullum says

    My hands and feet are the worst

  143. Winter and when I wash my hands a lot or was dishes by hand.

  144. feet

  145. My legs get so dry in the winter and all year really and it’s not attractive…lol.

  146. my arms and elbows get really dry

  147. my hands

  148. hands and elbow

  149. christine jessamine says

    i get it on my legs

  150. my hands and feet

  151. My elbows and feet.

  152. My feet and hands

  153. my elbows and my hands in the winter

  154. On my legs.

  155. My hands and back

  156. My legs

  157. I have atopic dermatitis and I get random dry patches all over my skin. It’s very hard to make them go away, hopefully i win!!

  158. on my face

  159. My hands and legs

  160. On my heels, terribly if I don’t stay on top of it.

  161. My legs get so dry it is crazy.

  162. Maria J. Cardoza says

    I get the most Dry skin by my arms and legs only.

  163. I get really dry skin on my face and elbows.

  164. My hands.

  165. My hands and feet

  166. Deb Dorrington says

    My hands and elbows.

  167. My hands get really dry, especially in the winter.

  168. My hands and heels are terrible in the winter! I feel like an alligator sometimes and it seems no amount of moisturizer helps!

  169. My hands

  170. my arms

  171. Eileen Burke says

    my face

  172. heather holmberg says

    my forehead and my heels

  173. nicole flax says

    Def my legs

  174. Arms

  175. my elbows

  176. Hands get dry

  177. Danielle Wood says

    on my legs

  178. Brittney House says

    My feet

  179. the heels

  180. Suzanne Campbell says

    my hands because I wash them so many times a day

  181. Gita Prasad says

    My legs

  182. My hands are awful dry in the winter!
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  183. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says

    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  184. Mary DeBorde says

    The worst is probably my hands, feet and legs!!

  185. My feet and back

  186. on my legs

  187. Suzanne Weller says

    My feet because I should look after them better.

  188. I get it most on my nose and heels.

  189. my elbows, knees, and legs —– Pauline aka Paol Trenny ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

  190. My hands and feet.

  191. my legs

  192. my calf

  193. My calves get the driest skin during the winter.

  194. my elbows and feet seem to be my problem spots

  195. Karen Gonyea says

    My elbows and my hands.

  196. Marc-Andre Taillefer says

    My hands and elbows

  197. Stephanie Showalter Douglas says

    My hands get the driest in the winter!

  198. my hands

  199. My hands get the driest.

  200. Michelle Tucker says

    My hands and feet. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  201. my legs and feet

  202. My hands

  203. My legs!!!

  204. susan smoaks says

    my hands because i wash them so much

  205. jasna malobabic says

    My hands

  206. My hands and feet are the worst.

  207. Chrissy Nestor says

    ugh… my ankles!

    chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com

  208. Lisa Garner says

    My worst dry skin is my elbows and feet.

  209. hands

  210. Lorena Keech says

    My fingertips crack and bleed in the winter.

  211. My hand are usually the driest

  212. Michelle H. says

    My elbows and knees.

  213. legs and arms (close runner up – hands)

  214. my elbows.

  215. Julie Harris says

    My hands get dry the most

  216. My feet!

  217. Christina D says

    my face and especially after my showers

  218. M hands and legs

  219. jeanne conner says

    my hands, and it drives me crazy

  220. My skin is very dry on my legs.

  221. my hands

  222. on my chin

  223. Rachel Newman says

    Knees and Elbows!

  224. my legs get so dry

  225. Riverine lotion keeps me comfortable in my skin. It keeps my skin as soft as a babies.

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