When Mom Gets Sick

child's artwork

Every Friday my son has a spelling test, and on the back of the paper he always draws a little picture of the two of us. It’s really cute and something I look forward to each week. Last week, he came home with this. Can you tell Mommy has been sleeping a lot lately? This is me in bed and him checking in on me with  a big frown on both of our faces, because we are so sad that I am sick. Cute right?

I’ve been down and out with pneumonia for the last couple of weeks. It’s been horrible! I’ve never been so sick in my life, I had noooo idea that pneumonia was THAT bad! 

When my mom used to say  “put a coat on, or you’ll catch pneumonia!” She probably should have followed that up with, “and pneumonia feels like death” Just so I had a real good idea of what pneumonia was, because it certainly isn’t just a bad cold like I envisioned. Oh plus, the real kicker was that I had an allergic reaction to the medicine I was given and my whole body broke out into red itchiness that is still there over two weeks later. The itchy and scratchy show is unbearable on top of the chest pain! 

Oh it’s tough when Mom gets sick, but we are managing. So while our normal Friday artwork usually portrays the two of us playing catch  or games, it was sad but sweet to see my boy draw a picture of what life really looked like for the two of us the past couple weeks. I’m getting better Buddy, almost there! 


  1. AWWWW that’s sweet! My son has a spelling test each week, and always gets at least 10 out of 10. He usually gets bonus ones, and she started giving him extra bonus ones b/c he always gets them right. Well one day he came home with 2 wrong b/c it had been a couple of weeks since they had done spelling and he had done his homework the first week, and then didn’t take the test for 2 weeks due to holidays and snow days. Well he didn’t want to show me and he was so sad he almost cried. He didn’t want me to be upset. I was a c average student LOL I am impressed. But I said he still did great, and he was so happy, he danced! LOL He said he would do better next time. And he has. Back to 12/10.

  2. What a cute tradaiton you guys have got there. I’m glad you’re on the mend lady. Having had pneumonia myself earlier this year, I completely understand what you’re saying. So much worse then imagined!

    • yes, anytime I’ve heard this before, I’ve brushed it off as they were sick. Now I know the truth! #DeathBed

  3. Aww! Get well soon! It seems like everyone around my neck of the woods is coming down with either the flu or a cold recently! Ugggh

  4. Glad you are returning to good health.

    I’ve had pneumonia and as you know, it is awful. I was out for 6 weeks (and thankful I was not hospitalised) before I even felt normal. It sure can take the wind out of you.

    I think it will always been “in” us now so we must be extra-careful.

    Best wishes…

    • I was actually hoping they would put me in the hospital, it was that bad! and I’ve never ever spent time in the hospital, not even when I gave birth, so that’s saying something!

  5. oh so cute! Love that he draws you pictures, and really did notice that you were not feeling well.

    Hope you are back to 100% soon!

    • I was surprised to see this, I assumed he would just draw another picture of us playing, but he was really in tune with what is happening at home!

  6. angie in my 30s says

    oh gosh so sorry to hear that you’ve been so sick!!
    what a cute drawing, kids always know how to make us smile don’t they?

    hope you feel back to your usual self asap, for you and for the kids!

  7. I love that he does that, but so sorry to hear you’ve been so sick! Pneumonia really does feel like death. Or makes you wish for death. Or something.

  8. Oh gosh I’m so sorry to hear that! I hope that you’re on the mend!

    The picture is so cute. I love my DD’s drawing and the truths they tell! 😉

  9. That is adorable! I’ve never had pneumonia, I can’t even imagine how icky that must be! Not sure what would happen in our house if mom got sick!

    • it’s true, when mom goes down there is no one else to cover. Hubs worked from home for two days but then had to go back. it was tough.

  10. That is SOOOO cute!!! But I’m SOOO sorry to hear you have pneumonia 🙁 I know first hand how horrible that can be, as I got it for the first time a couple winters ago. My daughter was a baby and my son was only 3 years old. It was the sickest I’d been in my life and so hard when you’re a mom with little ones to take care of. I hope you get better soon!! Drink LOTS of warm liquids….green tea really helped me!

    • it really was soooo hard to have pneumonia as a mom. Hubs was really helpful. made the big kid lunches for school etc. until I could handle it on my own again.

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