Mountain Buggy Swift, Life without Limits

Purchasing the right baby stroller is kind of a big deal. It needs to function on all types of terrain, keep baby safe and last for years! No small task!

Ever get that crappy grocery cart with the wonky wheel at the supper market? You know how frustrating it is right? Choosing the wrong stroller can be like pushing that stress inducing wonky cart on every outing! Don’t let that happen!

mountain buggy swift

Getting my hands on the Mountain Buggy Swift, made me want another baby…okay not really, three’s enough, but it certainly made me regret not owning one sooner!

The Swift is a light weight all terrain stroller with 10 inch air filled tires that make for awesome suspension and can ‘curb pop’ perfectly! It’s actually specifically engineered for popping your front tire up on a curb with ease, but not only is it functional in a city setting, the Swift can handle unfinished country roads like you’ll see in my neck of the woods like a beast!

mountain buggy swift

The Swift has a 23 inch frame, slim enough to fit through doorways, weighs in at only 21 pounds and folds up for storage or for taking it along in the van. It comes with a water bottle holder and an average sized storage basket that can hold up to 11 pounds. The front wheel can either swivel or easily lock into the straight position, the brake is foot operated and secure, and the canopy is nice and large with a peek-a-boo window for sneak peeks at the kiddo! You can purchase a zip on sun canopy separately if you like. 

mountain buggy swift

One of our favourite features of the Mountain Buggy Swift was the adjustable handle bar. My husband is quite tall and something he complained about with our previous stroller and any wagon we’ve had was the handles not being tall or long enough for him. The Mountain Buggy Swift allows you to adjust the height of the handle to your comfort between 31-42 inches.

mountain buggy handles

Carry Cot and Travel System Compatible

Everyone loves the convenience of popping the car seat out of the van and right into the stroller without disturbing baby and the Swift has car seat adapters available to purchase for this purpose. 

They also have a fabulous Carry Cot sold separately. The Carry Cot is a padded bassinet that snaps into the stroller for newborn babies up to approximately 6 months (max weight load is 20 pounds). It is far healthier for babies to be in a lie-flat position than spending an extended period of time in a car seat. In fact, the current recommendation is that a baby under six months should remain in a car seat for no longer than an hour and a half at any given time.

The Swift Carry Cot has a removable top cover, an adjustable sun canopy and custom fit storm cover included!

mountain buggy carry cot

The Mountain Buggy Swift has an adjustable seat position from full recline to upright and perfect for children from infancy to 6 years old ( 55 lbs seat capacity) so we still have a few years left with this beauty! As a babysitter, an Early Childhood Educator and a mom, I’ve pushed a good number of strollers in my day and Mountain Buggy is a favourite for sure! I was completely impressed by the Swift!

In Canada, you can purchase the Mountain Buggy Swift at Crocodile Baby for $499.99 and the optional Carry Cot for $165.99

For more information on Mountain Buggy products visit their website  at



  1. I really wish that I had had a 3 – wheeled, easy manoeuvrable stroller like that when my kids were little!

  2. Love that you can change the height of the handle, my hubby is much taller than me and this is a feature we look for when shopping for a stroller.

    • momvsboys says

      Hubs is a happy guy now too, it really should be something all strollers have so both Mom and Dad can be comfortable

  3. Holy crackers!!! That looks like an awesome stroller! I would love one. I think it looks like a great one for running around with, and I currently hate our single stroller.

    • momvsboys says

      ditto, I gave up using the stroller and switched to a wagon. Obviously, I’m back to the stroller with a single kiddo!

  4. OMG, I can’t get over how compact that thing folds up. Our stroller was a BEAST, barely fit in the trunk and tore the trim/weatherstripping when hubby insisted on cramming it in there. My stroller needing days are pretty much past, but I seriously covet this.

    • momvsboys says

      our stroller was the same in the car, we needed the van if we were taking the stroller anywhere

  5. This looks really cool. I wish I had a fancy stroller like this when my kids were younger. Lots of storage space and I love the adjustable handle.

  6. Love this! Finding the right stroller is SO IMPORTANT, if you don’t like it it makes you not want to even leave the house, I hated the stroller I had for the twins, drove me insane! Thanks so much for sharing!

    • momvsboys says

      we had a double with a sit and stand on the back when I had two non walkers and a three year old. it was easier to stay home lol

  7. The Mountain Buggy Swift looks super trendy, and fashionable. I love that you have the ability to customize the seating. This stroller also looks like it would make a fabulous jogging stroller.

  8. Erin @ Life's Little Detours says

    I’ve been looking for a good stroller for 4 1/2 years and still have not found one I like (that I can afford). This one looks nice but I’m afraid it’s too late… my almost 5 year old would be a but put off by being in a stroller now 🙂

  9. That is SO awesome! I have a few friends who just recently had babies and some who are expecting! I will send them the link to your review! Kind of makes me want to have another baby! Kind of! LOL!

  10. I wish I had a 3 wheel one when my kids were younger. This one looks strong and it is has great features

  11. Now that looks like the Cadillac of strollers, where was that baby when I had my kids?

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