Meet the new Fisher Price Little People gang! #FPLittlePeople

My boys have had the Little People Farm, just about every single vehicle and even the Little People Animal Sounds Zoo since they were babies, and while they loved the toys and the little animals, it was actually the Little People themselves that they really didn’t connect with. Those Little People were getting left in the dust….literally. Until one day when I gathered them all up and brought them upstairs for bath night. Somehow, just the change of scenery and bringing the Little People into a new environment was enough to breathe new life into the toys and ignite a whole new world of make believe! Today, those Little People are the hit of every bath!



Meet the all new Little People gang!

Tessa – The spirited go-getter who loves to twirl. She’s the darling little dancer with a love for animals.

Eddie – The high-energy, ready-for-anything team player. He’s a go,go,go kind of boy who always has a ball.

Mia – The sensitive, gentle and proper little lady. She loves bows and always has “just the thing” in her collection box.

Sofie – The stargazing fashionista who is very curious. She’s the “why” girl who’s never without her box of crayons.

My boys were a little disappointed that there wasn’t more boys, but there is actually one other dude on the team that just didn’t make it’s way to our house. His name is Koby and he’s the silly jester of the group.

on boat pm

Mia takes a boat ride with Eddie. Hey don’t worry girls, we have an extra boat for you!

Little People on a boat

The race is on!!! Who will be first to the finish??


Boat racing is so last year! All the cool kids are racing ducks! Try to keep up Tessa, these ducks are fast!


Eeeekkk!!! It’s an alien invasion!

“why are you all dressed in red?” “Where did you come from?” “Why are you here?” “Are you going to eat our brains?” Sofie sure does ask a lot of questions! 

So this is how bath night goes down at our house! Just add in a whole bunch of bubbles! I love how each character has their own personality just like my boys do! 

Pop on over to the Treehouse website now for a fun little contest with the Little People! Play the game and be entered to win 1 0f 5 Grand Prizes! 

Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Little People® Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. My DD2 loves little people!! She will pick out all 25 that we have and line them up over and over again! Its so cute!! She loves her house and princess castle too!!

  2. These are adorable – it’s a great toy for kids. Love toys that encourage imaginative play!

  3. My little one loved her new Little People friends too! They never get old and are always on the scene in our house.

  4. LOVE these new Little People Friends. My kids have been playing with them every day. They’re too cute!!

  5. Cute new little people fisher price.

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