RBC Pledge for Kids and Youth #RBCkids

RBC, Canada’s largest bank, recently announced a five-year, $100 million commitment to improve the well-being of one million kids and youth! That’s pretty big commitment don’t you think? Don’t worry, they have a plan!


RBC Believe in Kids Pledge

We believe kids are our future: for our economic prosperity, the health of the planet and the hope of humanity. We believe kids need and deserve our complete commitment so they can be healthy in mind, body and spirit. That’s why we support a wide range of charitable and community health, education, arts and sports programs for children and youth. Because we believe in kids.

This initiative will happen through investments in a wide range of national and community-based organizations, such as children’s mental health, after school programs and amateur sports.

RBC Play Hockey

With three boys of my own, I know how important it is for kids to keep moving! Our boys test the waters in swimming lessons and take their turn around the bases during baseball practice, but for many Canadian kids it’s the ice rink where they find themselves learning and growing! One of the biggest reason our boys aren’t spending their time on the ice is simply the cost, we all know that the cost to run a hockey program is significant! 

RBC Play Hockey™ offers grants to community hockey organizations and sports associations to grow the game and keep hockey vital across Canada. Emphasis is put on the learn to skate programs that get more kids on the ice in order to increase access to the game of hockey, break down barriers to entry, introduce the game to newcomers to Canada, and keep hockey growing and vibrant in our communities.

Check out Thomas’ story! You are going to fall in love with this little guy, and not just because he has an adorable British accent!

I think Boy Mom’s across Canada can relate to Thomas and his family! Supporting kids and youth in our communities is so important, they are our future and when you invest in a child’s future, we all win! The RBC Pledge for Kids and Youth is designed to help the ‘whole’ child, so they aren’t just focused on sports, but mental health and after school programs as well. To learn a little bit more about how RBC is actively helping in those areas, take a peek at these other videos:

RBC – The Power of Believe
Patricia’s Story – after school programming
Jacob’s Story – youth mental health

“When we believe in kids, something magical happens…they start believing in themselves!”

This post content is sponsored by Royal Bank of Canada, however the views and opinions expressed herein represent my own and not those of the Royal Bank of Canada or any other party and do not constitute financial, legal or other advice.


  1. I was never able to put my older boys into hockey when they were young. Playing sports and being active is so important for kids. Especially boys! This is a wonderful initiative. No greater gift can you give a child then confidence and the feeling of being a part of something important.

  2. I love this initiative. Every kid deserves the opportunity to play and be part of something.

  3. “When we believe in kids, something magical happens…they start believing in themselves!”. LOVE THIS!

  4. This program sounds so good! Sadly I could not hear the video – I’m having issues with my laptop today and cannot hear sound on videos. I’m all for any program that helps to keep Canadian kids active and involved in our nation’s game 🙂 Kudos to Royal Bank!

  5. I love it when big companies give back to the community and especially when it involves helping children. I’m a big mental health advocate and getting to youth early is so important when dealing with mental health issues!

  6. When we invest in kids, the whole community benefits. I love initiatives like this.

  7. Ninja Mommers says

    This is an amazing initiative! I love it when companies and banks especially, participate in these types of things! Hockey is not cheap. Extra Curricular activities in general are not cheap, but they are so great for our children!

  8. SPORTS are expensive! Its a wonder so many people can put their kids in so many sports!! Its great that RBC has stepped up to help people out!

    • I agree! I see families with kids in all kinds of expensive activities and wonder how they make it work! the cost is huge and the time commitment is outrageous!

  9. These videos are really great… and the Pledge is a great commitment by RBC.

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