Capture Mommy Moments with Johnson’s Baby

Mother's Day is literally around the corner, according to my five year old I am not supposed to know about this because Mother's Day is a surprise! Someone really should tell the calendar makers to quit letting the cat out of the bag! lol Johnson's Baby recognizes moms and encourages us to celebrate moments of joy! Sometimes it's the everyday moments that leave the lasting impressions. The booboo kisses, the good night hugs, the games of hide and go seek when your toddler hides in the exact … [Read more...]

Ivory Canada ~ Pure, Clean, Simple

Ivory stands for all things pure, clean and simple, and wants Canadians to make time for what they want to do, not just what they have to do. As mom's we have a lot on the go between household chores, taking care of the kids and keeping everything running smoothly. I wasn't surprised in the least when I heard that 40 per cent of Canadians lack time in their lives to enjoy what’s most important to them. So what's getting in the way? Ivory surveyed Canadians asking them which tasks make … [Read more...]

What is Toe Juice??

I think it's fair to say that your first reaction to hearing the words Toe Juice is asking "what the heck is that???" Yeah, it's a strange name for sure! But it's a powerful little product! What this quick video below find out what Toe Juice is, who created it and why.... So Toe Juice is a plant based, all natural product that you can use on your feet, but what else can it be used for?? Here's a few other common used below: Acne Athletes Foot Eczema Insect Bites Cold … [Read more...]

Oral-B ProfessionalCare Smart Series 5000

Do you really brush for the dentist recommended two minutes, twice a day? I'll be honest, I thought I was pretty good at getting in a good scrub but after trying out the Oral-B ProfessionalCare Smart Series 5000, it turns out I wasn't lasting long enough. And if I'm not brushing long enough than I know my kids aren't, time to break out the timer! Actually the Oral-B ProfessionalCare Smart Series 5000 comes with a timer, in fact, it's the most technologically advanced toothbrush I have ever … [Read more...]

Zoocchini has FuN Towels for Kids!

Do your kids always want what their siblings have? If you have children of the same sex and close in age like we have, this happens more often than  not. We tend to buy things in three's, but it's not always possible for them all the have one of the same thing. Last Christmas my youngest son received an adorable Zoochini hooded towel. It was a hit to say the least with all of the kids! He has the Travis the Tiger character, with a sweet face and long tail and the boys are all in love with it, so … [Read more...]

Weleda Calendula Baby Care line

Living in Canada, the Winter months can be hard on our skin. Especially the delicate skin of our little ones. My five year old is out in the weather the most since he goes to school and walks to the bus, lately I started noticing red dry patches of skin around his bottom lip. It seems he has been biting his lips because they get dry and it started to cause a problem that we couldn't fix. The skin was constantly flaky and red and well, didn't look so pretty. I had tried different brands of lip … [Read more...]

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