Ready for Adventure with Staples Canada

I remember back to school shopping with my mom when I was a kid, it was so exciting to pick out new clothes, back packs and lunch bags! It kind of felt like my birthday, but I got to pick out my own gifts! Fast forward to life with three boys and we tend to have more boys clothes than will fit in our drawers! Yes, my poor children live life in hand-me-downs but that's the way it goes in big families, all of the same gender! They do get to pick their own backpacks and lunch bags though, so these … [Read more...]

Help your kids get ready for their new grade with DK Canada

It's almost time to send the kids back to school, cue the happy dance! It's actually bittersweet, I always miss them when they are gone, but it's exciting to see them out head out the door on their first day, ready for whatever the year throws at them! My 8 year old, has been asking to go back since the beginning of August, he can't wait! I've kept the boys reading over the summer, but now is the time when we really ramp it up as we prepare to send them into new grades with new challenges! DK … [Read more...]

Back to School Shopping with Sears Canada #SearsMomBTS

It seems each year another baby heads off to kindergarten, last year it was my middle son, this year my youngest and only a few short years ago our oldest made his first steps inside in the school doors. It's bittersweet for so many reasons. I love that they are growing, learning and making new friends, but I definitely miss having them around the house and taking impromptu holidays. Back to School Shopping The boys get new back packs and lunch bags and snack containers the year they start … [Read more...]

Back to School Challenge #WalmartFrugalHeroes

I love a good challenge, so when Walmart Canada handed my family a $100 gift card and a challenge to stock up the pantry with all the back to school lunch essentials, it was game on! Shopping Tip #1 - leave the kids at home! They are a sure way to blow your budget, especially with three little boys asking for everything they want, but don't really need! This year my youngest starts his educational journey and begins Junior Kindergarten (sniff,,,sniff) so while we have three boys who will … [Read more...]

The Pocket Mommy

It's back-to-school time, and for people who have little ones just starting school (or even in elementary school who are nervous!) Random House has a great little book to help them cope with the changes and being away from parents all day. This is year is a hard one for me as I put my last baby boy on the school bus and send him off to Junior Kindergarten. I thought putting the first boy on the bus was hard, let me tell ya mamas, it doesn't get any easier!!  While I'm waiting for someone to … [Read more...]

Rubbermaid LunchBlox Containers

September can be bittersweet for parents. Gone are lazy days on the beach only to be replaced with the morning rush of getting your kids ready for school. For many of us, it's the packing of the lunches that really put the nail in the coffin, it can be torture! And with three very picky boys in our household, it's a complete nightmare! That's 15 lunches a week to make! ! Packing Lunches Made Easy with Rubbermaid Lunchblox Last year, Rubbermaid came out with a set of LunchBlox™ containers for … [Read more...]

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